I'm interested in hearing the reaction to Usurper from people here. The design would make a damn fun game IMO.
Posts made by Ide
RE: Optional Realities & Project Redshift
RE: Incentives
@Olsson said:
In my experiance most of the people who actually want to Storytell will do so anyway. Atleast for me.
This is a really good point. The trick is to find the good players who want to ST, but don't for whatever reason (lack of time, lack of prestige on the mu*, lack of skill) and both put structures into place to allow them to ST with less work and train them up so they become better STers.
RE: Optional Realities & Project Redshift
If you're looking for space mu*'s have you seen this?
Mount and Blade Strategus crpg
Has anyone tried this (http://mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/CRPG)? There's been some talk about a Birthright (http://www.birthright.net/forums/showwiki.php?title=BIRTHRIGHT_Campaign_Setting&redirect=no) style mu* before and it seems like this gets part of the way there.
RE: Random links posted in Tastes Less Game'y
RE: Consent-based games
I don't think bolting consent onto any fundamentally non-consensual RPG mechanics is ever going to work very well. A better idea IMO is to use mechanics that rely on structured consent, i.e. hippy RPGs. If you can do that then all the bother about ICA/ICC goes away.
RE: Blades in the Dark?
The setting sounds fun, but the system sounds like you need a troupe working closely to make it click. Don't know if that suits mush-style with many small groups and not enough storytellers.
Awesome that it blew the doors off its KS goal though..
All that said, I have wanted to make a similar Thieves World style game....is there any interest in this?
RE: Umbral Shards: Original Theme seeks Creative Types
@Rook said:
Not sure how well that would go, RP-wise, do you? It seems like you would have 4-5 players active in this 'version', a few more liking this 'version' a bit better, etc.It's not different from the original idea, just that setting-wise all the planes/shards are a somewhat recognizable version of Chicago. Hell Chicago, Fairy Chicago, etc.
RE: Umbral Shards: Original Theme seeks Creative Types
I like the idea a lot more if the realms are all sort of versions of Chicago, but that might not scratch everyone's SG itch.
Don't Rest Your Head has a cool take on this as well.