@Lemon-Fox I have a whole rollodex of characters to throw at chargen, SOME OF WHOM are not direct knockoffs of Legend of Dragoon characters.
Posts made by Jennkryst
RE: Interest Check: Exalted 3rd ed Mu
RE: Interest Check: Exalted 3rd ed Mu
@Surasanji I am of mixed feelings on the two ideas. On the one hand, terrestrial primary solves the 'I am in Gem for breakfast, teleport to Nexus for Lunch, and have Dinner in the private underwater Manse in the far western ocean' issue. More specifically, the 'my character is in every plot' spotlight hog. IT ALSO MEANS BLESSED ISLE POLITICS!!!
On the other hand, I loves me some Solar/Lunar chicanery, so.
Perhaps the second, but restrict location/travel stuff? This could be mitigated by a higher than normal alt cap, but limited by region. This could ALSO open up all of Creation for plots and RP and such!
AS FOR CODE... I believe Volund has 2e, 2.5e, and 3e all pre-coded and free for use, but it uses Evennia, not Ares. It should have logging incorporated. If memory serves, it saves server-side so you can access it via client OR website. But saved in .txt, so you need to export it to the wiki somehow.
Please do not use the wiki formats used in the past. They hurt my brain. MediaWiki or Wikidot, plz.
RE: Testing the Waters for Battletech Interest
Got the first half of my Battletech Kickstarter today. The urbanmech plushie demands the space robot game be up and running before delivery of wave 2.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@faraday Yeah, I'm not quite sure how to translate it to NON-tactical, because all the stats and spells and shit are designed around 30mm models and 'center a 3" aoe' and and and
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@faraday There's also Vassal and Wartable.Online that could work? I'll test them out and see which is easier to work with folks. Pesky combat is pesky.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
re: Ares with PDF sheets.
Is... is there a way to also connect it to some sort of PDF with moveable tokens and/or a map of sorts? In an almost wargame-like manner? Because I've been wanting to do an Iron Kingdoms game for AGES, but it is pretty wargame-y when it comes to combat.
OR I could just wait for the 5e version to come out. Which I will inevitably buy, despite hating it, because levels are for suckers.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
Wilford Brimley, not COVID-19? Quick glance of the obituary indicates kidney-something-or-other.
RE: Welcome to the Euphoria!
Nah, the Stewardess Class/Career/whatever were basically space hookers, because the Generation Ship in that series, uh... 'left earth' before the Sexual Revolution.
I mean... the ship is called THE EUPHORIA, after all.
RE: Magicy Shenanigans - high fantasy or more modern
The issue with a Dresden Files game is that it's FATE... which might not actually be a problem? I think it would bump into the same issues that a FFG Star Wars game does - applying non-combat damage/situation effects and stuff. I dunno.
RE: Welcome to the Euphoria!
Is it bad I envision Hospitality Staff as just clones of the Stewardess...s....s...es?
... from the Ascension Miniseries?
RE: Books...Books...Books....
Peace Talks is a thing, and I cannot fathom the next book taking place any more than a month after that cliffhanger. Luckily, it's coming out... when, September?
RE: Welcome to the Euphoria!
@WildBaboons said in Welcome to the Euphoria!:
If more descs were like that I'd actually read them. I hope this catches on!
Obviously needs more purple prose.
RE: [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts
@sibermaus said in [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts:
[unimportant things] COD2E mechanics [more unimportant things that leave one VERY important question unanswered]
Stares. UNBLINKING. Waiting for that one. VERY. Important question. To be answered.
RE: [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts
@HelloProject said in [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts:
Erotic MUSH except the entire world is one giant corporate office and we live there and are stressed out, and revolt with occultism and fucking. And some of the offices have been taken over by sects of anarchists who do sexy things and dance around a fire naked, with all of their calculators jailbroken to play Doom.
Bonus points to whoever can get me the name of the Sushi Secretary, whomst I have been trying to add to the PB library FOR YEARS.
(Edit because I can't fucking spell)
RE: [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts
@reversed said in [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts:
Also you zeroed in on Sasha, I assume because Sasha was basically this:
And, yeah, how could Sasha not turn everyone on, considering.
I zeroed in on Sasha because Pentex, and teh evilz instantly makes her extra-hot.
But I'm also totally there if Kiki un-retires and needs someone to party with, since I presume that's who you actually meant.
RE: [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts
@reversed said in [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts:
I feel like "agriculture fetish" could get taken a lot of ways and as such I can't even formulate a good response other than to threaten you with lawyers
As long as they are Pentex Lawyers, Mummy Lawyers, or Adorkable
Fucking MachineLawyerbots or BirbLawyer, I'm cool with it. -
RE: [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts
@reversed said in [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts:
Anyway all I'll say is one of my CoH PBs was a pretty big clue, and no, you (the plural you) are not allowed to page me on games we share with guesses.
You have a whole foods knock-off/agriculture fetish?
@reversed said in [NSFW] Erotic RP Concepts:
I didn't play a mummy
Whenever you are ready to play one, I will flood you with commands to copy/paste to get one made. Unless you mean a different kind of mummy, in which case I can flood you with SOMETHING ELSE.