'tis an update! Whew. It's been a while.

Posts made by Kay
RE: Kay's Playlist: Crucible City (first one),TR & HM & Darkwater etc
RE: Do people still MU*?
@chibichibi I would recommend City of Shadows. It's pretty active, staff and playerbase are both really nice. It is Chronicles of Darkness 2e, you can find the list of books they're using here http://cityofshadowsmux.com/wiki/Books
City of Shadows MUX
I'd been asked to do a review of this place a while ago, and as I've finally hit the grid and had RP I think I'm ready.
For some context, this is the first MU* I've played on for oh, at least two years now.
So far, it's been an absolute delight. The staff are some of the most easy going I remember encountering, I have no anxiety about sending in requests. They're very encouraging. Both they and the players I've talked with have been friendly and laid back, and the RP quality from both the scene I was in as well as the logs I've read range from ok to good to excellent.
I'm well aware that there's always a honeymoon period, and maybe this is actually all a front to sell damned NFTs or something, but I'm really thrilled right now and really highly recommend it. As in I'm having friends already joining me on the game recommend it.
The only negatives I've found is that on occasion there's been game information missing or hard to find, but it's just been a matter of asking on the channels and staff has then either fixed it or provided it or both.
RE: Kay's Playlist: Crucible City (first one),TR & HM & Darkwater etc
@Ganymede Yeah, that nostalgic warm blanket familiarity is what made me dive back in. I haven't done more than hang out OOC, so can't give a proper review just yet, but my impression so far is positive. The people I've interacted with have been nice and friendly, and I haven't seen any descs or roleplay logs that made me want to gauge my eyes out. Once I have an approved character and have my sea legs I'll put up a real review.
RE: Kay's Playlist: Crucible City (first one),TR & HM & Darkwater etc
Arise chicken! Behold, I'm taking a stab at this craziness again. Making Heloise on City of Shadows, going to be a Changeling of some type.
RE: RIP, Brus
@Lolth I remember him, and I'm usually terrible with names and we only rarely happened to interact. But he stuck out as being really nice and approachable, and helpful. This is very sad to hear.
RE: Favorite Youtubers?
These days I mainly go to Youtube to watch stuff that makes me feel relaxed, especially ones where there's interesting stuff going on in the screen but with no narration, only relaxing music and/or the sounds of what's being made.
That said, number one of my list might very well be a serial killer. With a few million subscribers you may have already heard of Mr. "Sharpest Knife", but just in case, please check out his stuff. He has an amazing sense of humor. How about a cardboard knife? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvo86AHovFc
The second one is a Hong Kong Youtuber named Mr. Zhou, who does woodcrafting. His background music is soothing, and unlike many other craftsmen on Youtube he intentionally leaves in any mistakes he makes, no matter how dire, so the viewer can follow along as he learns. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1CmQQTho9Y
Another one I like is called J. Dessert, it's a Korean dessert cafe that publishes really soothing recipe videos online, just cute music and the snap and pop of food being made. https://youtu.be/-PGiAicJEe0
Finally, when I want to watch some Lets Plays I go with Kikoskia, a British Youtuber who specializes in older or more obscure games. Here's a link to his current play through of Baldur's Gate 2: https://youtu.be/3Oux8eTaErk
RE: Returning to MU*ing, looking for recommendations
@ortallus ... Wow. Ok yeah, I'm extremely interested. Isekai is one of my favorite genres, and I'm especially fond of the "stuck in a game" version, so this sounds amazing. Thank you for the description and the link! I'm going to check it out right now.
Returning to MU*ing, looking for recommendations
So the last time I did any MU*ing was well over a year ago, and even then I was coming in really rusty after a previous long hiatus. I feel pretty much like a newbie, except I still remember the basic commands.
Now I finally have the time and energy to play again, I just have no idea where to play.
I remembered Arx and checked it out, but it looks like they don't allow original character creation atm which made it not an option for me.
Does anyone have any recommendations? Where is everyone playing these days?
My experience and resources are mainly around WoD, superhero games, fantasy and scifi, but I also love original concepts and historical stuff. I don't mind small games, and I might be able to bring in more people as I have some friends who are also looking for a new "home".
I didn't see any recent threads with this theme, please move this if it's in the wrong board.
RE: Redbird's Playlist
@redbird It is good to see you are still around. <- Kay / Shulkie from Crucible etc etc. Is String Theory good? I haven't MU*d in forever but the urge to RP is starting to hit again.
RE: Builder ???
Hey @Cobaltasaurus is this something you're still in need of help with? I could use something to get me back into mu*ing, and I did always love building stuff.
RE: Portal of the Gods
Minor update: we are currently actively brainstorming through both discord and a steadily growing Google doc, and things are looking really promising.
RE: Portal of the Gods
I'm extremely interested. My RL work does limit my MUing ability so I can't sign up for any heavy lifting, but I'd love to help out with building and lore. I can provide references if you like at that.
RE: Dark Ages Vampire -- Terra Mariana
@Ganymede I know that feeling, my work has made me MIA for ... Months? A year+ from MUing. I'm trying to get back to it. Your game concept got me all starry eyed tho, so I had to comment. Thank you for looking into it! I don't think I'm alone in my interest.
RE: Kay's Playlist: Crucible City (first one),TR & HM & Darkwater etc
@TNP woohah, talk about your blasts from the past! What's ESH?
RE: L&L Options?
Political stuff is my main draw to it too. It never actually turns out to work that way but I keep trying.
RE: Travel Connections
@Cobaltasaurus I don't have any links yet since I'm on mobile right now but try Google, search for something like "Alabama to Seattle roundtrip" and then look for leaving and returning dates in August and September. Looking in those two months I'm seeing prices in the upper 200s/lower 300s for a round-trip.
RE: Travel Connections
@Cobaltasaurus what price point are you looking for? I don't have connections but I seem to have really good online search fu as far as plane tickets go.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Lotherio I never heard of that game!
I would have been all over it if I had, boo. Wild Cards is one of my favorite superhero flavors too. Darnit, I'm sad I missed it.