Everything being automated is really the only way I can even handle doing combat on the big scale that these games tend to. Heck, even smaller scale stuff can be a real headache, depending on the level of complexity of the system (ie WoD things where you have 10 different merits and powers from 8 books and all of it's done by hand). So I love just being able to enter one command (at most 2!), wait on the turn to run, and spend the rest of the time reading poses and doing mine with no other pressure.
I've seen FS3 get knocked for the 'generic' style of the system and games but I think it's great if you just want a little bit of system context and then are mostly focused on the RP. And I suspect a GM who wanted to finesse it more could do so with a smaller group and taking the time to do other rolls between automated rounds, apply modifiers per the other thread, etc.