So, people will doubtless argue with me on this, but I don't think the "Looking for RP" command/channel is effective when it comes to people actually finding RP. Yes, it switches a tag on, but most often the tag gets ignored. I think this is because so and so doesn't know you from Adam.
In the mean time, there is no good way for me to let a person know that I would like to RP with them other than paging them. If they're a busy person, it may take a while before we can connect, and because I'm proactive, I page them, and then I page them again the next day, and the next day and the next day. It gets annoying. Having been on both ends of this, it is annoying to be both the person paging and the person being paged.
Most recently, I've been on the receiving end. I've been busy and coming onto a game and getting pages every day, or every other day from people who I know want to RP with me and who are waiting so patiently makes me feel awful. And when I feel awful, I tend to try and avoid the person and situation making me feel awful, making me even less likely to RP with them.
There has to be a better way. So, what would people think about a command that worked like this?
PlayerA types: +wantRP PlayerB=Need update on plot.
Player B then gets a notification that PlayerA requested RP. Plus, PlayerB can also type something like +wantrp on its own and get a quick list of people waiting on scenes, and people that they've requested scenes from.
After PlayerA and PlayerB RP, PlayerB could type something like +wantrp/clear PlayerA to remove them from their list.
It's only a rough idea, and I have no authority to implement this anywhere, but thoughts?