Remy was taken in by a rescue. A friend of a friend, and another friend, all made calls to the lady who runs it, explaining why she needs to make an exception to their rules. I am fortunate to be able to reach out to kind-hearted people.
The roommate said something awful, when I came back in the house after he was handed off. "He wasn't right for you. He wouldn't have fit your lifestyle, and it was too soon. MY Heart isn't over Logan, so yours can't be. That's why I was such a grump to him since you brought him home." (Read: Bitch.) She wouldn't pet him, she wouldn't give him the time of day. All she ever did was yell at him and ignore him. But Remy will be found a perfect home for him, I have no doubt.
Today is Logan's birthday. He would have been 11. I keep finding myself crying. Please scritch/love/treat your non-human babies a little extra for me today.