@tnp It's just this woman insisted I was wrong, and that all there was, is MEDICARE. She refused to listen to me telling her there's... a lot of plans for it.
Posts made by Macha
RE: The Work Thread
RE: The Work Thread
@tnp I work in medical billing. NY - for example- has THREE Medicare plans. Upstate, Downstate, and Queens (Why just queens? IDFK)
That's not including the other "Golden care" plans and other shit.
EVERY STATE has a Medicare plan. NOT ALL Medicare claims go to one address. THIS is what I mean, by administered by state. The states all have their own titled version of Medicare, and some of them, (Ny, CA, as prime examples) have more than one.
RE: The Work Thread
When you've been working in insurance for 5+ years, only to be told by someone who doesn't understand that yes, Medicare is a fed program, but it is administered by the states, and some states have MULTIPLE medicare plans, that you're WRONG and don't know what you're talking about.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@silverfox I am wishing I could hug you. Mistakes happen, head up. You've done so much good.
RE: The Work Thread
@derp Hot? Yes. But I'd hate to think there's another trashfire that toxic that would come into my life.
RE: The Work Thread
So, Random aside - when one of the Sups assigned to help your team as you move up another level... looks waaaaay too much like your ex.
Yeah. He's a super nice guy, but I get so weirded out.
RE: The Work Thread
@arkandel technically, because he's from the guy's provider's office, I'm golden. Or so I am told.
RE: The Work Thread
I work in medical billing. HIPAA is super important. I got a call, got the pt name and date of birth, made the guy spell it. "How can I help you today, Mister X?"
..it was someone from his provider's office being a jerkwad, and didn't correct me when I called him by the pt name.
I explained, since he claimed to be from a dr office but hadn't really followed expected HIPAA guidelines, I wasn't terribly comfortable going into details on the case. And suddenly I'm rude, lol
RE: The Work Thread
So the HR wants a more 'specific' list of accommodations. How long will it take to recover from a sugar crash, etc.
I passed it on to the doctor's office. ...I got a call this morning from her nurse.
"They want what, now?" "They want to know things like exactly how long it should take to recover from a crash." "...there is no way to know that. that's ridiculous. Every crash can be different."She wants HR's number. I wish I could listen in on that one.
RE: The Work Thread
Well, when they had me all over, schedule wise, yes, I crashed a few times. I got them to set a schedule, so I have fairly set breaks/lunch.
And yes, last week when I crashed so bad, I had been in training that morning and not able to keep my regular, fixed schedule. It wasn't off by much, but such is life.
I've adjusted my insulin 3 times in the last month, and since last Wednesday, nothing out of the ordinary.
RE: The Work Thread
So, last week, with no obvious trigger or reason, I crashed HARD. Like below levels of 'could go unconscious and die', roommate was on standby with emergency stuff and ready to take me to the ER.
I managed to pull myself out of it, but at that point, exhausted.
Today, I got a written warning for attendance issues, because I left early that day, and had a couple 15 minutes here and there the first two weeks, while wrangling lesser crashes. (Change in schedule, change in work set up, anxiety... all play in).
HR tried to tell me that they just aren't sure they can make the accommodations, and that 'the ADA doesn't change our attendance requirements."
My Dr's office nurse thinks that is hilarious.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@betternow I am also a former employee. Alas, the grocery stores around here tend to charge way more for the things I get, and Aldi just does not carry everything I need/use/like.
We're talking a 35 to 50+ cent difference on something I will use 7 or more of in a week. That's just the one thing, and that's the more 'reasonable' of the local stores near me.
Groceries have exploded, expense wise, and I just can't afford the pricier route.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
On a different topic. The Evil empire (walmart) charged me for a membership I did not sign up for, for over 100 dollars (More than what I had in that acct, too). I called them right after, and disputed it, wanted it cancelled, etc. They took three days to fix it.
I got my money back, so I could order my groceries for pickup. I ordered, picked them up 2 days later, and waited almost an hour. To the point people who came after me left before me. So I called the customer service line to make sure they /had/ my stuff. Magically, as I am on the phone, my stuff comes out.
Here's the problem - they never charged me for the groceries. It's been two days since I picked them up, and not even a pending charge. Do I call them and tell them their mistake, or leave it be and call it restitution for them being fuckwads?
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I used to give blood all the time. But I've had problems with iron for ages, and if I fail their iron test one more time, they will ban me from donating forever.
Money's been tight, so no iron supplements. So no blood giving.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
First world problem - Amazon repeatedly does not follow delivery directions. They keep leaving the packages in front of the secure front door, and not on our patio... which is like 4 feet to the left. We've asked them in the directions to leave things on the patio.
A - we have a camera, so we see the delivery and get it ASAP.
B- everyone here knows we have a camera and don't mess with our patio.
C- It's just safer than leaving it by the front door.Today? Went out as soon as I saw the email.. and the package isn't there anymore.
Yesterday? My roommate's package made it into the building.. at someone else's apartment.
Just.. grrr.
RE: The Work Thread
In training to move up a level in my job. (Yay, I think? First level training was super fast and I felt off balance). I've had some nasty sugar crashes in the last two weeks. Like, on the verge of being taken to the ER bad.
And now my sup wants to meet after my break. Anxiety is high.
RE: RL Anger
As a kid that was openly not Christian - I wasn't bullied about it until high school. Teachers did NOTHING about it, even when said bullying happened IN CLASS, in FRONT of them.
Of course, when I finally had enough and went after the bullying ringleader, picked him out of his chair, threw him on the floor and kicked his ass - the teacher refused to get me in trouble and sent us to the Guidance counselor for 'mediation'.
Some teachers do not know how to control kids in these situations.
RE: The Work Thread
I worked for Medicaid. I've been ON Medicaid, as well.
You do not get to tell me that saying people on Medicaid have to financially qualify for a medicaid program to have no copays, etc, is incorrect.
Bitch trying to say that by saying people that are lower income on Medicaid don't have a copay or a bill, is wrong. She got all mad "Saying it's poor people is incorrect."
There are many, many levels of medicaid, in my state. But for the level we were discussing, you are damn close to the poverty level, if not beneath it.
RE: 2022: A New Year, New Dead Celebrities
@betternow Loved him in Head of the class, too.
RE: Girl Scout Cookies
@derp I beg to differ. The peanut butter cookies from Aldi are AMAZING.