When you are stressed out and fucking grumpy and your friends still love you! (And also when you can slip back into RP with them comfortably no matter how much the brain weasels say you've been away too long!)
Posts made by mietze
RE: MU Things I Love
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
That being said, it is also relatively easy to set up an association usually. If there's truly a desire to start paying reservations and purchasing stuff on a regular basis, doing that might help keep things on the up and up (and also would allow the funds to remain available even with a change in leadership).
The problem with one person having the funds in their name is that it's so very easy for even well intentioned people to slip "I need to get this little 5 dollar thing, but I will pay it back right away." "Well maybe I should ask people first but they'll probably be okay with it!". And before you know it things are more and more serious. That can still happen with incorporated orgs and that is often how embezzlement starts from volunteer orgs and PTAs too, especially with lots of cash handling.
It's a pretty yucky feeling. Hopefully the group can hammer out some guidelines for agreed upon things that can be purchased at the very least. I think a lot of times people think there's a baseline of "common sense", but nothing surprises me, even when people honestly did not intend to use funds inappropriately.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
As I have said for years, people who truly believe that MSB is the worst of humanity/interpersonal interaction bluntly really have probably never belonged to a PTA, volunteer org, or any other organized social group with at least some assets and that isn't totally tied up as an already-friends group.
MSB is fucking tame.
Doesnt mean it doesnt hurt or break my heart now and then, but.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
OMFG!!!!!!!1111!1eleventyone!!1! when you have been trying to think of a very specific word for 3 days and now you cant remember why the fuck you were trying to think of it in the first place
RE: Food!
Beyond beef is really good, especially in tacos and shepherd's pie. I'm not usually a fan of meat "replacements" vs vegan or vegetarian things that I like for themselves (I love garden burger style patties esp the black eyed peas ones, there is a local restaurant that makes hazelnut based patties for sandwiches that are amazing and I can't eat anything else there because that is what I start craving just seeing the restaurant they're that good!), but this is actually really really good if you can get over how creepy it is they can get the texture just right. (I enjoy veggie patties partially because I LIKE the different texture too).
My whole family devoured everything, and not just because 3 of them are teen boys.
Only drawback is that it is expensive as grass finished beef you buy in the store. (Which I am used to now that we are in the dregs of the quarter steer purchased last year, and have to wait until our farmer is ready to sell again).
RE: RL things I love
When I was a kid, my church culture taught that using tampons would turn you into a slut, because once you started putting things other than your husband's penis into your vaginal canal, you would not be satisfied with his penis and would continue to voraciously experiment and be ruined for marriage.
It is sad really. These are also the people who teach their young men and boys that they are all uncontrollable rapists who need to be protected by women and girls and even babies always wearing the proper clothing that does not draw any attention to their crotch. (Like pants do.)
There are so many really sick and ignorant fucks out there.
But yeah, in certain religious circles tampons are seen as virginity stealers or the gateway to whoredom so....not super surprised at idiots not wanting to fund women's "luxury items" that they might even believe are more pleasurable than their penis. (And they might even be right on that account).
RE: The Game Game
I think some of the most unhealthy game runners I've seen tend to be the ones that are very comparative of their game to others. (Which is why I think it is good to be very careful and deliberate about starting a new game because you hate another, vs having an idea you'd like to explore other than "I hate the current poopyheads over there." I mean the former is fine as long as you have the latter.) I wonder if the reason why so many newish games fold before opening or shortly afterwards is because of the very negative tone that discord or people hanging out oocly on the unopened place or other chat/brainstorm formats can take on that kind of sour things before they even start.
If you view everything as a competition then certainly you'll find it! I really like it when game runners/developers have a nice solid idea of what THEY want and create it and gently or not so gently put in very firm boundaries about that vision's moveability due to player desires. Those environments have seemed far healthier than the ones where people are so focused on doing "it" better than anyone else or the last staff/runner that hurt them that they lose track of what it was that THEY wanted to be doing.
But I will say it again, it is intimidating to say no, especially here, and I wish more people appreciated that.
RE: The Game Game
@Prototart oh yes, forgot about that! I would imagine it's similar with any game with FCs!
RE: The Game Game
@Ghost People are busy on Arx but it's a different kind of busy than say a game where there are a ton of events where you get to fight bad guys and play it out on screen.
But someone who expects the same kind if busy on arx as they get elsewhere or vice versa is probably going to be frustrated and look for something to blame, sure.
RE: The Game Game
I think the trampling rush of people to a game when it first opens is almost never about that game itself but:
People are obsessed with getting in I'm the ground floor due to obsession (justified or not) that they can advance faster there than on where they are playing because it's a blank slate.
Novelty and the ability to get to play around thinking about new characters, esp if it's being pumped up here or amongst friends.
The hope that this time staff will "do it right", whatever that means for that individual person.
A hope that the new place will allow them to recreate something they really enjoyed and aew probably looking through rose colored glasses about now.
I think The Surge tends to be more harmful to the new game than the other ones, esp if staff doesnt plan for it. It is a normal enough problem that I have noticed a lot of them /do/ which is fantastic. I don't believe you really know a game's stable population and base until 3+ months in if not more, which is why I am happy to see staff more and more not killing themselves to keep up at the height of The Surge and then being burnt the fuck out because probably at least half if not more of the people drift away/park in the ooc room/wander back to other places once the novelty wears off and what they wrte expecting does not fall into their lap.
I think it's most healthy when there is diversity in games around a theme. That sometimes IS competitive but most of the time it is not--the only drawback is the solid number of people who sit and whine and complain that the game isn't run the way that they like, even when its very clear the structure and scope is super different from what they like.
RE: Critters!
My boy cat, Kage, likes to be held like a stuffed animal while he sleeps at night (he gets under the covers, stretches out long, and will try to nestle between your body and your arm until you cradle him) I wake up sweating a lot of nights because he will do this after I am asleep and he is a little powerful heat generator! At least he is a very slender little thing so he does not put your arm to sleep.
His sister Sombra is a big boned and fluffy girl who likes to flop on legs and put them to sleep because she is one heavy ass cat.
I think it is kind of a dominating thing, because she is def alpha/queen of the house and is very territorial.
During the day when they cannot go sleep with a person, Sombra curls into a fuzzy shrimp or cat loaf posture usually on the cat tree or on a box or the air vent. Kage just...flops on the floor somewhere. While mashing his face into the floor. Usually he likes to find someone somewhere to cuddle though. While the teens are at school its floor face mashing though. And yes, the teens often play computer games or console games with this sleeping boneless silly cat in their arms, dead asleep. He is the weirdest cat I've ever had. And he's a little dumb. But very pretty and sweet!
RE: Dating in the 2020's
@Kestrel Nah, might be a regional thing! I have people strike up conversations with me everywhere, in the grocery line, at restaurants, in the ladies' room, on the bus, at the naked spa, on the metro train...it doesn't bother me, but like...where I grew up people do that ALL the time, or did (military bases and country-ass Florida and West Virginia)
Where I live now, people will probably either run away, ignore you, or like shoot you (depending on what side of the mountains you're on) if you try to strike up a conversation with a stranger, it seems like. Hell, I have even had parents pull their kids away from mine on the playground while telling them loudly in front of me "we don't play with people we don't know." But I must have a "talk to me" invisible stamp on my forehead because people who ARE NOT from around here (or they also are of country-ass stock and can sense it in others or something) will totally strike up a conversation with me out of the blue. I would do it more proactively (I'm a people person) but I don't really want to scare people or get shot, so.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
The flu going around here (that did not make it into the flu shot this year) has some very nasty secondary stuff that I am still recovering from, including pericarditis. I did not ger pneumonia this time but I know of a ton of people that did, as well as reactive airways even in people who usually don't get that.
So definitely worth getting checked out if you are still very ill weeks later, or if you get better for a little while and then get hit with fever again. I know a lot of people who got strep immediately afterwards too, often with atypical symptoms. I know it's a big expensive deal to go to the doctor but honestly this season's illness i would.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Testament That really sucks. I hope that person either is not invited back, or is given some boundaries about how they will need to behave towards other people if they want to be part of things, and that you get an apology.
RE: The Work Thread
Today has been yet another spectacularly shitty day at work, that pretty much deep sixed my office into negative territory so bad it may take us 6-12 months to recover (at least it wasnt my fault but the person whose fault it is might get shitcanned which means we are back to extreme skeleton crew) along with 3 more screamers (at least one was on the phone).
I kind of wanna to a stupid dorky funny scene tonight or something. Or just go to bed. Its hard to not feel very depressed right now, but hopefully I will hit "fuck it, cannot do anything about that right now so I'm going to compartmentalize" mindset soon.
RE: Depression Meals
Today I snagged some Malaysian style congee from a little hole I'm the wall place because I knew I just wanted to crawl into bed or get on the couch after I got home. It was nice,the rice grains were a lot more solid than I am used to, so maybe I will try not cooking mine so long or not being afraid of trying my rice cooker porridge setting (it only takes a little over an hour?!? D:) the next time I need some tummy comfort.
RE: The Work Thread
Sorry dude, I can't pull an official 1099 out of my ass for you, they're mailed by corporate this friday. Also when I have reversed engineered a solution for a number you can give your accountant maybe do not scream and threaten me that it better be right or I'll be in trouble, because then I'll just tell you to use the online information you have to figure it out yourself.
Go fuck yourself, hopefully you dont shit on too many other people on your way to your vacation. I bet your accountant just loooooves you.
Rinse wash repeat with like three other tall older men all of which were clearly going for the loud/personal space invasion intimidation tactic today about similar issues.
Still not as bad as the screaming dude we almost pulled the panic button on a few months ago but today was a real shit day. I love my job for many reasons, I get to play with fun office equipment and other specialized stuff, I get to have my own stampy things and a big ass key ring, I love my coworkers and most of our regulars but today I might've cried a little on the drive home.
Sometimes the energy people project just feels like a weapon.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
My cousin and her family lived in Dehli for about 14 years, they moved last year to Kathmandu. They've worn face masks when outside (when they went outside) pretty much that entire time, her kids have grown up using them, ect, though it's very rare for people to wear them there until the last several years. I know she felt extremely weird about wearing them for awhile.
A few years ago, WA state had the worst air quality that I've ever experienced here thanks to massive wildfires and puger sound's weird and frequent inversion zones. Regular ashfalls, tasting the smog and wildfire ash as soon as you stepped outside, haze, ect. Even walking from my house to my car was triggering chest pains and wheezing. I tried a box of those disposable filtration masks which helped, my my cousin ordered and sent me the type of mask her family wears (not flimsy, comfortable, cute pattern) and while I got plenty of weird looks I could breathe and resume my delivery work without feeling like I was going to suffocate.
Pollution is no joke. I wish more people got air pollution masks, at least for their kids, in areas where it's frequent. And that they were subsidized too (but yeah right) especially in cities that are extremely dangerous (plenty of those in the US too!)
RE: The Work Thread
TFW you are on a work webex call and it is annoyingly set to a scroll through video display of people on the call and of course your camera pops up just as you inhale rather than drink your water so everyone is treated to you spewing water like a whale coming up for air. Real classy! At least the Big Boss wasn't on this one. And it was on mute. Guess it is going to continue to be a day.