What makes a complaint resolver trustworthy to me is pretty much in line with what Gany outlines, though I have to say that the only headwizzen that I've ever felt 100 percent comfortable with approaching about a problem of that nature would be Shav, Apos, and Faraday. (Though Apos and Faraday are theoretical, Shav is not, as I did have to seek her help with a very distressing and embarrassing situation though no rules were broken).
There are a few commonalities I see FOR ME that increase my comfort level:
they are invested in the game heavily but do not appear to play personal PCs.
they do not have screaming tantrums nor do they make snide remarks or crusading remarks on pub channels on the game.
I do not know them on a personal level, just a "professional" one.
It's possible that maybe they all throw fits and shade in private that would make TR's staff chan look tame. But they managed/manage to keep that shit zipped up so far as I know. I find it really hard to trust someone once they have gone on a channel tirade or who i know expresses their anxiety or stress in belligerence for public consumption, whether that's an ooc channel or a board post.
There are many people I like in the community who I think are very nice people, but the trust will never be there because of their temper/snarkiness.
It isnt fair I dont think, nor do I claim to speak for the One True Way or anything. But I do think personal behavior in public and how someone handles conflict themselves is a huge measure of what determines my comfort level with them for something major or potentially sensitive.
I adore many people that I honestly would not share a big hairy deal situation with because of the risk involved. I think that's why for me I gravitate towards those I respect but am not close to, so it will not hurt if they disagree, I do not get lazy about explaining things calmly and answering questions, and I do not have to worry about damaging a personal relationship.