We have a shell server and wiki! They're not pretty yet, though. Updates and links to come!
Now the building begins!
We have a shell server and wiki! They're not pretty yet, though. Updates and links to come!
Now the building begins!
Digging Update:
Vault 1A and Aurora Settlement now on grid.
Hey guys. It's with a heavy heart that I have to inform you all that Fallout will be put on pause indefinitely. With life being how it is for us, we're unable at this time to fully support and active player base and give them all the time and effort they deserve. We'll be locking the door to the game itself within the week, but we plan on keeping all our work thus far in hopes of opening up sometime in the future.
I'm not sure when that day will be, if ever, but the thought is there. We love the project, and we apologize for not being able to make it last longer than a few stints of life-support.
Thank you all for your amazing support for the project/game.
Update: Montreal on Grid. New desc Staffer hired. Code nearing completion for ease of game use.
@thenomain I giggled more than I should have at this.
@admiral I'm sorry, I'm still just laughing at the mental image of someone just needing that fork so damn badly.
Hey all! So, after getting our feet wet on this whole running a gameness, my co-creators/staffers and I have been talking about secondary ideas for a different game. We have a few in our heads, but to try and reduce the over inflation of already HUGE genres, we wanted to start here with a simple question: What is missing for you out there?
What settings do you beg to see but just don't? What types of games do you enjoy that aren't being catered to as well, or as much, as you'd like? What favorite settings do you have that you would adore playing in and being a part of, that simply don't exist anymore, or if they do, need a new breath of life pumped into their lungs?
We're just getting our feelers out there to see if this is a good idea, and if we can help make this possible. It should also be stated up front that, regardless of topic chosen, we'll be hunting for extra Staffers who are State Side out the gate!
Thanks for any help and suggestions, guys! You're all darling!
Is there such thing as a good one? Even nWoD based, is there a game that isn't ripe with infantile player mentalities rolling themselves over with power fantasies?
Is there a game that's a bit more true to form? Where political intrigue and screwing with each other is all ICly done and isn't avoided by, or made moot by:
OOC complaints/reactions/fits
Random log-offs and pretending everything is gravy?
Staff ran where their characters are the best, every time, no questions asked?
Is there a WoD game out there where people are having FUN anymore? Where players are actively allowed, and encouraged, to make changes to the world around them with their characters?
If so...please, please point me in that direction. I have the itch and the Tower is calling me. (Well, the Sword is calling me, to be perfectly honest...)
@shincashay Thanks for the support! We hope so, too.
For starters, we've already been thinking about a few things given the setting.
@Thenomain We like the idea of taking what we KNOW and building off it with a bit of research and original ideas. Also, we're thinking of going with Montreal. As for the muties? We're still thinking about what beasts to actually use, and maybe even come up with some new ones.
@Shincashay That's what awesome Staffers and Google-Fu is for! Also, it shouldn't much matter either way once we get the wiki running should the idea take off.
@Insomnia So is the United States, and every other Fallout is set there. Also, we don't plan on making a grid for ALL of Canada. That's just mental >.< We're focusing on one location, with the possibility of visiting other locations that are close by.
@Admiral We plan on using the elements for the setting indeed!
@sunnyj We've thought about it! We have Fallout first, though. Maybe someday.
PS: Sabbat are a MUST.
Just to put this out there for everyone following this thread, our main goal on the game will be RP. You'll have the option to have combat (what game doesn't, especially with this setting?) but with the code we're initial working with, the main points will be Roleplay and Storytelling. Does that still get people going? Asking well in advance during the creation process so we know which way to go for folks. Thanks!
UPDATE: Talks and planning has begun. Official like.
I've really enjoyed the setting's fluff for a VERY long time. I also think it's one of those things that just works better as a tabletop, too. That way, you KNOW who you're playing with.
I like having fun with it. The funnier moments in a system full of screwed up experiences, but yeah...what I wouldn't give to just find a community that isn't so toxic with it. It's amazing stuff to work with, and when new people are interested in it, I often point them in the direction of Bloodlines. I've always considered that to be a fun, rather on point, example of what a GREAT tabletop/MU* setting COULD BE. Under the right alignment of planets and stars and when you finally get that gold plated unicorn to dance the samba at your house at midnight...
I digress. I understand, and agree, with what everyone is saying. It all depends on the fun YOU make for yourself. I have a feeling that even if I go the route of 'This is broke, so I'll try and fix it', I'll still get those people showing up regardless, the community being what it is.
@secretfire I'm hoping just to get a functioning code that can work well and easily for players. I know that myself and my other staffers will probably ST differently, and so will the Players when they run their own things. TO me, that's fine. Most things are left to ST discretion, but I also like the idea of having dice and a system in place for that spice of possibility. I'm sure we'll get something that'll please a majority of people, I just like letting people know upfront is all.
Hey guys! Just wondering if people around here played Fear and Loathing (nWoD game) at some point. Specifically, I'm looking for Connor's player (Connor being a Gangrel, who's PB was Norman Reedus.) I also hope Connor was his name >.> I could be very, very wrong about that.
Oh well, hope to get some bites! Cheers! - (Nikkos)
@surreality I like that outlook. And it's easy to say that, or make policies that touch into that. It's hard to keep them stapled down, but worth trying to do.
@Thenomain I get that. I guess what I meant was if you can't find fun with the general cliques, you have to find your own tribe in these types of games. It squares people off, and while conflict should be understood and accepted, it kinda grinds gears. People play as they do, and if that's what they enjoy, you're right, you have to accept that (regardless of it being different than your own fun). I just like the idea of people playing together, and not getting twisted up in a bad way over it. Like you said, the drama. Just makes me sad
@Bad-at-Lurking Agreed. The fluff drags me in with oWoD. I ADORE it, greatly, but nWoD does very, very well syntax/system wise. But yeah, I'm in your boat with the running and screaming part.
I'll keep trying, too.
@magee101 I've already said in my pestery (what's missing for you) thread that we'll have a vault. It doesn't matter if Vault Tech was an American company. Companies that are specific to one country DO outsource and produce outside of their country.
We're working on links to lore, factions, and even other vaults that might be around different cities that can be later explored! It'll be there, even if we've started calling it Eh-Tech.