I prefer mudstats.com but unfortunately they only seem to update once or twice a year. The Mudconnector is still the best place to advertise your game, in spite of all the outdated links to games that are long gone.
Best posts made by RnMissionRun
RE: A directory of MU*'s that's actually good
RE: Cyberpunk
@bloodangel said in Cyberpunk:
@rnmissionrun I hope it comes out I love Cyberpunk Red. Running a real-life game.
I've never actually played it, but I was a huge fan of it's predecessor, CP, which I both played and ran on and off for more than a decade. I do own the book and I like what they have done with the setting.
RE: RL Anger
Here at the local county lockup, there's no a/c except for Main Control and Booking. Let me tell you, between the heat and stank, it gets downright nasty in there during the summer. Especially C pod (all females), for some reason.
This is according to my SO, who has worked at the county jail for the past 16 years. I've never set foot in it, personally.
RE: Alternative Formats to MU
@faraday said in Alternative Formats to MU:
They can't devote their entire attention to a traditional MUSH scene, but I'm willing to bet that a fair number of them could handle tossing out a pose an hour when they had a free moment. Add that up over a day or three, and you've got yourself a scene where previously there would've been none.
Given that scenario I'd probably choose to have no scene. There's just no way that a scene staged over the course of several days would be able to hold my interest. The pace is just too slow, I'd end up getting distracted by something else and forgetting all about it. This is why I never bothered with PBEM games or forum RP.
RE: Hobby-related Resolutions/Goals for the coming year... ?
@auspice said in Hobby-related Resolutions/Goals for the coming year... ?:
@rnmissionrun said in Hobby-related Resolutions/Goals for the coming year... ?:
@auspice said in Hobby-related Resolutions/Goals for the coming year... ?:
Who wants to learn Python with me and build an awesome space system in Evennia? I've had Ideas for a couple years now.
Way ahead of ya there, been working on my Expanse game for a while now
Will be happy to help out any way I can. Just ask.
I want Expanse game. Means I don't need to make one.
It's going to be a while still because it's just me doing all of the work myself. I technically have a friend helping out but so far he hasn't done much of anything but idle and chat >.< Space is functional but still basic. Chargen (I'm using D20 Future, which will hopefully be compatible with the official Expanse RPG that Green Ronin will be releasing later this year) is coming along. Boards and Mail are in. Not much else is, though.
RE: How to use Potato MU Client
I'd suggest that you log on to MUS*H and talk to Mike. He's the guy that wrote it and he's usually happy to support it. He's in the UK so might on at weird times.
RE: RL Anger
Why am I paying $89.95 a month for so-called business class cable internet that is so slow and unreliable that it's not even suitable for MU*ing most of the time?!? I don't even have the choice to switch providers, because there is only the one >.<
Monopolies are fun.
RE: Alternative Formats to MU
@faraday Wasn't meaning to trivialize the efforts that have gone into either of those servers, was just pointing out the futility of doing the same things over and over but expecting different results.
RE: Chronicles of Darkness cyberpunk game seeking help.
I don't see why that should be the case, assuming they are able to find enough people to help out. The hard part is usually code, but the fact they'll be writing that code in Python rather than MUSHcode should speed up the process considerably.
Oh, and I'm also willing to help with codey stuff.
RE: Sci Fi/Opera Originality
I have to say, not once in more than 20 years of playing on Star Trek MU*s have I ever had to explain to a player how a 'transporter' works, not even to players that have never actually watched Star Trek. All they need to know is what it does (it moves you from one place to another nearly instantaneously) and how to operate it (ie you
on the pad,target
a nearby space object andenergize
). In a sense, it's no different than an ox cart, H2 Hummer, or an Uber taxi. You don't need to know (or care about) the specifics of how it works in order to use it and that's what's important, IMO. If people are hung up on the details then they probably do not fully comprehend the function of the device (in game terms). -
RE: Good or New Movies Review
I think that the decline of Dr Who during the Matt Smith years was the result of bad writing and bad scripts, more than it was anything to do with Smith himself (who is, IMO, a very competent actor).
RE: Alternative Formats to MU
I honestly don't think that the requirement to download and install an app in order to play on a MUSH is an issue at all. Millions of smartphone users understand the concept of "you need an app for that", as do most computer users.
The issue of people not wanting to type complicated commands, well that's a little different, but I look at it like this. You're communicating with others in a text-only medium. You're using words to convey visual information, emotion, sounds, moods. If you can handle all that, but are stymied by the syntax for the command to make a bbpost, then you're probably in the wrong hobby.
RE: Fading Suns 2017
I'm with @D-bone here. I've never actually played Fading Suns but I do love sci-fi and I own most of the source material thanks to a super cheap deal from Bag of Holding a few months ago. I havn't read much of it yet but it does look interesting.
RE: Comfort Food...
@sockmonkey said in Comfort Food...:
Kraft Mac n Cheese. Made with Kerrygold salted butter and heavy cream.
Because I am one classy lady.
I make mine the same way, but I also throw in a few slices of Deluxe American cheese and a handful of sharp cheddar. I'll even add peas and diced Spam (or plain ham) and make it a meal. I don't have this often due to the calories/fat but man it is it good.
RE: Alternative Formats to MU
@surreality said in Alternative Formats to MU:
@rnmissionrun I dunno about that one. A lot more people tinker with graphics than tinker with Python, I'd think. This is not to say that a lot of people are necessarily any good at it, but most of that's a matter of taste anyway.
Maybe, but overcoming 20 years of inertia is going to take more effort than I'm willing to expend at this point.
I'll reconsider my position when I start seeing more games with web based UIs.
RE: What's your identity worth to you?
In twenty years of MUing there have been 4 people who knew my RL name and one of those doesn't count because I knew her IRL before I started MUing. I don't care that people know that I live in VA but I'm not going to narrow it down any further than that.
My religion, sexual orientation, etc are no one's business but my own. It especially has no relevance on pretendy fun time games where I am only interacting with others vicariously through a made up character.
I don't do social media at all. I do not voice chat or share personal photos with people that I do not know.
The only email address you're going to get from me is my 20 year old AOL address that I use when I need a disposable email address. It has never been associated with the "real me" in any way. All incoming mail is automatically filtered to the trash.
I don't have any skeletons in my closet, so revealing who I am/was on other games is no big deal.
RE: Comfort Food...
@arkandel said in Comfort Food...:
@fortydeuce said in Comfort Food...:
I have baklava from Greece, thanks to my Greek housemate who went home for the holidays!
I never liked balkava. I'm a traitor to my own people.
Also wth goes to Greece in the winter? Wait for the summer, person!
The nice couple that owns the local Greek restaurant closes the shop every December-- for the entire month-- to go home for the holidays. They've done this every year for as long as I can remember.
RE: Questions About Evennia
@griatch said in Questions About Evennia:
What would be nice to have would be a "Evennia for MUSH users" actually written by a MUSH user who also knows Evennia to go into the Evennia for <Engine>-users category of our tutorials. I contributed a small article (which first appeared on here) but it is only very broad and I'm not musher to begin with. Alas, no musher has actually stepped up to that challenge (and I've asked about it for years in our forums). It's not just mush-coders for sure; people with experience in other engines seems just as unwilling to write comparisons it seems.
GriatchIt's not that I unwilling to write such a document, it's just that Evennia is so different from MUSH that I wouldn't even know where to start. It would be like trying to write a "Operating a dump truck guide" for bicyclists. Sure there are superficial similarities between those two things-- they're both vehicles with tires, for example, but the differences are orders of magnitude apart.
If you're an experienced MUSHer interested in learning Evennia, I suggest that first, you get yourself a good Python tutorial and learn the basics of the language. Remember, Evennia is 100% Python, you will need to know it and knowing it beforehand will help you make sense of things when you start tinkering with the actual server. Once you're a little familiar with Python, install Evennia and start tinkering. If you have questions, join the IRC or, in the event that you're turned off by the MUD-centric nature of most of the IRC chatter, find a game in the Evennia Games Index and try asking for help there. I'm always happy to answer questions on my site (The Big Empty) and Tirit is also (Deep Shadows).
RE: What's your identity worth to you?
There is no moral dilemma.
It's mainly paranoia and distrust caused by past experiences with psycho staffers/players. It's also people wondering why they're being required to give an email address at all if any disposable email account will meet the requirement.
RE: Random links
It seems to depend on your ISP.
I have noticed that whenever a webpage tries to use geolocation on my IP (Verizon DSL) , it thinks I am in Washington, DC (which is a couple of hours north of my actual location).
The same with my Sprint V20 cell phone, when I go to the weather channel homepage, it always thinks that I am in Towson (which is nearly 1.5 hours away).
I'm guessing it's things like this that are the reason why Google freaks out when I turn off location services (OMG YOU TURNED OFF LOCATION SERVICES YOUR PHONE MIGHT EXPLODE DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DO THIS?!!!!)