Explain something to me, please, because I'm one of the slower people around here. You propose the OR to be a site to be:
"dedicated to text-based RPGs, not just MUDs, or MOOs, or MUXs, or any of the various sub-genres that we’ve divided ourselves into over the years."
Yet, your words and discussions here have made it sound like you foresee very few MUSH/MUX games actually qualifying as such.
"Our community is for any text-based game that is focused primarily on role-play, has coded support for player activities, and includes permanent character death."
These are your requirements, as pulled directly from the OR site, not discussions here. You write these words as guidelines for inclusion, then you seem to be tightening the limits on the processing part of the application end of things.
So, really, you say one thing, but end up doing another. That, sir, is pretense, and this is (ironically) the historically WRONG place to out yourself as someone of that nature.
But more importantly, you yourself are excluding a large demographic of games that you purport to wish to include. That is self-defeating. Further, it seems that you are doing this out of sheer ignorance, since you are continuing to learn what MUSHes are, given your other thread and your own comments within.
I recommend that, given the feedback that these MUSHers seem to be giving you in resounding shovelfuls, is that you re-evaluate your criteria for listing if you truly want to service the Roleplay-centric community of text-based games. By and large, and correct me anyone if you feel that this statement is off-base, MUSHes tend to be far more roleplay-centric than roleplay-intensive games. We have described to you why we feel that way. We are so roleplay-centric that we do NOT code automation, and leave arbitration to player interaction. If you feel that coded automation is required for listing on your site, then I recommend you reword your article on the purpose of the OR site to state something along the lines.