@Thenomain said (in the Video Game thread)
I also cannot think of a time I am any more nervous and anxious about our future. Obviously I want it to go one way over another, but I called it a war because I think we have some core ideologies that are clashing hard. It's nerve-wracking. It's amazing.
I want to find the happy middle ground. Except for over science. Businessmen and religious organization who are trying to push an anti-science agenda for their own profit or beliefs can fuck right off. Humanity will be worse off for the attempts of these people.
This is now the entirely wrong thread for this. Hm.
New thread!
Ideologies are clashing all the time, the world over. That's why we have news. Now is no different than a hundred years ago, or fifty. The topics are just different.
Progress can keep marching, I say. I have zero issue with people gaining equal rights, I support the fuck out of it, both verbally and with my donated time now and again.