Posts made by Royal
RE: NOLA 2: Back in the Vieux
@tragedyjones said in NOLA 2: Back in the Vieux:
Back to important questions.
1 - @rdc did you approve promethean yet?
2 - Who is gonna play my BigTiddyGothGF?2 - Dibs.
RE: Miami, Blood in the Water
Man, I sure called the shit out of this one.
RE: Miami, Blood in the Water
@jennkryst said in Miami, Blood in the Water:
@wretched said in Miami, Blood in the Water:
In search of someone interested in running the mage Sphere.
Whoever does, make sure they take a ton of notes and post them places, so if they drop off the map, their replacement knows the plan.
In fact, do this with everything.
This goes against the storied tradition of not leaving shit but half explained NPCs and an unfinished mystery disease story that makes the connected Mortal+ splat feel briefly important.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@rucket said in General Video Game Thread:
So been playing the Spider-Man game on PS4 and it's real good. Combat is fast, moving around Manhattan is cool, and the story stuff seems interesting, at least for someone who has a cursory knowledge of Spider-Man stuff. The one down side is some of the side content is downright repetitive, so I do kind of give it a few knocks against it for that.
To combat the repetitive side missions, I've been trying a different tactic.
I get really, really stoned.
Joke(kind of) aside, I'm loving this game. Web swinging around NYC is always fun. Relaxing like a zen garden. With punching and witty dialogue.
Edit: the fuck is a smart garden?
RE: Staff Needed!
Thank you for choosing yet another setting I'm too familiar with. I love Chicago.
But to Hell with the Cubs.
RE: Favorite music streaming service?
@auspice said in Favorite music streaming service?:
@royal said in Favorite music streaming service?:
I'd been a Pandora guy for years but recently I've dropped them in favor of Apple Music. Why? Family plan. Plain and simple. While I prefer the interface of Pandora, I'm slowly becoming accustomed to Apple Music. Radio stations aren't as intuitive but the selection is huge and seemlessly adds itself to my own library. Which I kinda dig.
Just like that U2 adds itself to your library.
Could have been worse. Could have been Five Finger Death Punch. The best cover band in the world.
RE: Favorite music streaming service?
I'd been a Pandora guy for years but recently I've dropped them in favor of Apple Music. Why? Family plan. Plain and simple. While I prefer the interface of Pandora, I'm slowly becoming accustomed to Apple Music. Radio stations aren't as intuitive but the selection is huge and seemlessly adds itself to my own library. Which I kinda dig.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@apu @Sonder and I are getting ours tonight. Great skin for a great cause.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Anybody else obsessing over OWL(Overwatch World League), or is it just me and @Sonder ?
Post 1K, by the way! We did it team! Keep this up and we'll make Nationals!
RE: Favourite Quote (Inspirational or Otherwise)
"If arson isn't the answer, I clearly misunderstood the question." - Chris Bucholz
RE: Class/Society Systems, WoD
Status updates tied to grid locations? Sold.
XP spend wait times? Nah, son. That's the path of evil. Maybe that's just me though. I wait for stuff in my regular day to day. You think I want to actually wait for a more defined six pack and super sense of smell? No. No, I do not.
Absolutely love a grid reflected class system though.
RE: Pineapple on Pizza
Pineapple on pizza is absolutely amazing if done appropriately. Some things just don't jive with it.
I'd kill for an Imo's large right now. Ham, pineapple, onions and that legendary provel cheese. Spend time in St. Louis and a thin crust pizza anywhere else is just a mockery.
RE: Visit Fallcoast, sponsored by the Fallcoast Chamber of Commerce
@sonder said in Visit Fallcoast, sponsored by the Fallcoast Chamber of Commerce:
@kay said in Visit Fallcoast, sponsored by the Fallcoast Chamber of Commerce:
All I want for Christmas is a lovely goon squad of pastel suited, sunglassified and coked and/or otherwise drugged to their gills Cheiron people to roll into town with. Effiepper will have a fantastic time in Miami.
@Royal -- I found a perfect concept for you.
Challenge accepted.
RE: Flitcraft's Playlist
Murphy was probably my favorite Hunter. That straight faced terminator. Fighting sharks in cyborg Valhalla.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Horizon Zero Dawn is literally the reason I purchased a PS4.
I'd say it was worth it.