Also: I now no longer have to use words to respond in my usually half assed way. I can now use even less of my ass!

Posts made by Royal
RE: New forum toy!
RE: MU Things I Love
I just want to thank all the coders out there for making things like this happen.
If it wasn't for your strange brand of computer alchemy, I'd still be one of those savages playing on java chats. I'm still haunted by the sound of that castanet.
RE: Fear and Loathing (Official Thread)
Maybe a tag could be added to those threads? I don't know how any of this works so maybe not. shrug
RE: Descent Reboot
@lithium I would LOVE to watch a grid square shift between packs and coteries once a month. Constantly being under siege for a locus or other high demand resource.
RE: Descent Reboot
I'm looking forward to seeing what that brings out of people the most. Competitive or cooperative, this should be entertaining.
An actual reason to hold, grow and expand territory other than simply stamping your name on something for shits and giggles.
Of course, some folks will flat out ignore that feature. Which is to be expected. Not everybody wants to be king.
RE: "Flag this post for moderation"
@Thenomain recognizes the power in the 'stache and nothing is more powerful than a Kryptonian mustache.
Okay, maybe a Kryptonian Fire Fighter mustache. But we dare not speak of that aloud.
RE: Comfort Food...
Chicken fried steak with sausage gravy. When I feel my own personal scales of justice have slipped, that's what it takes to balance me back out.
A breaded, deep fried steak that somebody beat into submission with a hammer. Then drowned in gravy. Proper.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Hell, I paid the full price when it came out. No regrets. Still playing Overwatch obsessively. The seasonal/holiday events and daily arcade match changes break up a bit of the repetition.
And Mercy is the true MVP, @Faceless . Don't lie to yourself.
Edit: Just realized I was about a month behind with that. Yeeeaah.
RE: World of Darkness -- Alternative Settings
@Jennkryst At the risk of derailing the thread(part of me wants to make a 'too soon' quip), my experience with Antagonist PCs generally leads to one thing:
Holy Shit Sphere Implosion.
That or an even worse flavor of Super Friends. You -are- often playing a monster in the first place. The Antagonists are intended to be so evil that even the monsters are disturbed. Without that? Hell, might as well put on capes and start a secret handshake with your fellow super friends.
All this, of course, depends on how the atmosphere is toward straight up killin' a bad guy. All this assuming they even survived the Facebook-Twitter war of 2073.
RE: World of Darkness -- Alternative Settings
@surreality Well, damn. I'll try that out, thanks.
RE: World of Darkness -- Alternative Settings
Fuck it. True World of Darkness.
Humanity has fallen. Only the monsters remain. Mortals are cattle, pets and short lived revolutionaries. Vampires rule the ashes of a half scorched earth. Werewolves reclaimed the wild places. Mages flit in and out of reality. Some on purpose.
You know, Detroit By Night.
Edit: Also Taco Bell won the Franchise Wars.
RE: World of Darkness -- Alternative Settings
Post Apoc WoD will always draw me in.
Miami in the 80's is also bizarre enough to count as... well, pretty much anything outside of reality.
RE: Gamertags
Having just gotten a PS4, ya'll can find me at CoathangerDoOver.
I'm probably a bad person for that.
RE: PBs You Haven't Had a Chance to Use
@jaded I've always pictured a sleazy loan shark. Maybe wolf Blooded. Maybe Daeva, just to concern people... but redcap would work. Helps with the garbage eating.
RE: PBs You Haven't Had a Chance to Use
Danny DeVito. One glorious day. It will be my masterpiece.
RE: Characters You Enjoyed Playing
@faceless To be fair, it would be: human sized rat traps, well dressed mercenaries, a continuous loop of "Angel of the Morning" blasted from a helicopter and... actually, the donkey was spot on.
RE: Characters You Enjoyed Playing
@tragedyjones What a strange coincidence, right?
RE: Characters You Enjoyed Playing
Jackson Rio. The Reach.
I made the character with a fast blaze of glory in mind. Start fights. Be crude. Never under any circumstances have Defense to use. Sure, there was depth to the character but I had no idea it would survive long enough to see the light.
Years later, nothing killed him and he's held pretty much every Court position at one point or another. Had way too much fun, met great people and even sucker punched a horse. Good times.
Dawson Bryce. The Reach.
Made a broken soldier sort. Meant to be a Ghoul. Next thing I know, he's not crippled and now he's a Wizard. Brother to a horrible Vampire. Best friends with a Monkey God and a disgruntled, ultra burned out cop. So much drama ensued but it was all fun right up to the end. Then it went down hill. Fast. Great ride though and made me fall in love with Mage.
I've had a lot of characters but those two are the only ones I've tmteally put that much time into.
RE: Characters You Enjoyed Playing
@tragedyjones Stone was a rockstar. His instrument was pain.