I win! I made you talk Disney Princesses!
But I think it'll be easy to manipulate the world and make it not 'Disney', a cosmology, and its own lore and themes are something I am realitively good at.
So now that its own thing, we can come up with our own names. Totally mentioned that it evolved from a an idea inspired by Frozen but after a point clearly evolved beyond that.
Tentative Title: "Dishonored: Sun Blades? (DSB)? or Dishonored: Blades of Spring? (DBS)? - I am toying with names now.
Since the vibe with a kind of a 'steam/electropunk/magicpunk is very much Dishonored/ Dishonored 2 (upcoming).
But with our 'Spring Queen' as a theme or at least a figure head amooungst the rebellion, raised up as an idea a concept to get them behind. I think it works well.