Stomach flu.
All of my insides want to be my outsides.
Never traveling again ever.
Bright side, that three pounds I gained back while visiting my parents? Totally not a problem now =/
Stomach flu.
All of my insides want to be my outsides.
Never traveling again ever.
Bright side, that three pounds I gained back while visiting my parents? Totally not a problem now =/
Feeling inspired.
Talking with good friends, if only briefly.
So I got a replacement Fitbit Charge HR that was mailed to me on vacation...
Naturally, while I was on vacation, it was working just fine. Allegedly
Fitbit is kind of awesome with their customer service,though.
And I only gained back two pounds while out of town and doing nothing but eating! Woo! >>
Being stupid enough to fall into old habits for a legitimately short period of time.
RL getting royally fucked up from that short lapse in judgement.
Insta-karma is a bitch.
Angry at myself, and angry that I'm angry. Grr.
Bright side: actually made an appointment with a therapist for the first time?
Additional anger/peeve - that it took me this fucking long to actually make that appointment.
Eta: ...why do I not listen to my friends? =/
When I was a kid, I was sick a lot, and got it in my head that I was going to make a Sailor Moon themed website via Yahoo/Geocities. Couldn't figure something out, so I went to the help chatrooms, and actually met my very first and longest online friend there. They introduced me to RP in the Yahoo! chatrooms, when I told them what I was trying to do with the website. We both told each other we were 16. Years later, when we were actually 16 (I know, I know...I was one of those unintentionally creepy too young kids in the 90s...I didn't get it then, but totally do now) we confessed our real ages (same age), have been good friends ever since, and floated around various text games in chatrooms until high school, when I discovered MU*s, and they developed a hobby of rock climbing.
And here I am o.o
Probably the best thing anyone has ever sent me for RP...
So... I have nothing really specific in mind, but always found that helpful, if anyone's ever stuck on what to do, even for just quick normal scenes. Figured this was as good a place as any to share It's not always completely relevant, but some good ideas/starting points.
Lately, I've wanted an IC Nemesis so bad... Not just some NPC, but an actual character on a game. I feel like, sometimes, just because my characters have boobs, means that people can't not (double negative for the win) get along with them. I know that, generally speaking, people don't want to overstep, or whatever, but come on... Makes me miss the days of all the smaller MUSHes I used to play on. I guess since we were more of a tight nit group of players at the time, there was more ooc trust, which led to more IC risk.
So... No specific scene I've wanted, really. Just a series of them.
Also, as an ST, a scene where someone actually responds and catches on to little nuances in plot instead of skim-reading and missing half the shit I planned. I was just getting back into STing after years, and someone ruined it for me again,.kind of. What's the point of RP if you're not going to read? =(
Totally lost ten lbs trying to keep up with you jerks. Just saying. >>
For real, though. I'm super excited about Fitbit. Way too competitive for my own good, it seems.
For those of you who have the Fitbit (specifically Charge), two questions - a) Do you know if the stairs climbed thingy counts toward calorie burn? Can't find any relevant answers via Google... I'm also terrible at Googling for some reason. b ) Why the hell is the charge on my Charge not lasting much more than a day...? Did you find a fix for your issues @Arkandel ?
Best of luck to everyone with their fitness goals! Message me if you want a Fitbit buddy =>
Ugh... I hate that. I have a longer name that's easily shortened, but inevitably, some asshole comes around, and turns the "nickname" into another name. So I ask them to stop, politely, with a "Haha, hey, great. I don't like that, that's not my name, please don't call me that." And what do those fuckers usually do? Say the "nickname" they picked out, laugh, and walk away. Especially at work, for some reason.
Just.... a giant Fuck You to anyone that does that after being asked to stop.
solidarity highfives Insomnia
I hate that I keep falling into old habits. And that I'm a whiney child-person about old habits. And have few people to vent to because old habits aren't good habits.
Angry at myself and my general dumbness and clingyness (argh, the worst. The Worst.) with some social situations.
shakes a fist
Also, wtf FitBit, why are you dying.
ETA: The crazy (mine) ... it huuuurts us precious. hiss
I can't keep up with you guys yet.. Every time I look at the rankings list thing, I shake my fist!
@Arkandel said:
Other than sources on which to find a PB, a few questions from me:
- How important is the part where you find a PB for your character? As in, if it takes you X minutes to figure out what's allowed, write the BG, etc... what percentage of that do you spend searching for the right one?
I find my PB first, and build a character based on what/who they look like, to me. I'm an artist and super visual, so maybe that's part of it. I've been told that's very backwards.
- Does it matter to you what other people choose? For example if someone has picked the same PB as you, if it's a beefcake/hot model or a regular joe... and do you think the choice means something about their character or even player?
It matters, yes. I don't want to have the same PB as someone else. It takes some of the mystery away, for me. I don't know if the choice necessarily says anything about them, or their character, though.
- Do you find it odd these days if someone does things differently? Say... has no PB. Or chooses artwork over a real picture (for a realistic MU*, obviously it'd be different for a superhero MU* for example if you're playing a comic book character and used a drawing).
Odd? No. I think it depends on what it is, and where you're playing. What's odd for one place may be totally normal for another. To each their own!
The way I handle things online now, vs. online a few years ago, is so drastic that I'm pretty sure I'd need a lot of white boards. Christ, I've mellowed a lot. It's always interesting (read: cringe-worthy) to reflect on your developing mental maturity, and threads like this just point out that kind of stuff for me.
Those moments where you read some gripe and go, in your head, "OMG I'm so glad that's not me anymore!"
...and then you feel a little bad, because, holy shit, that was you at some point.
(General "you")
I've had a lot of luck with Pinterest for the magic-y things lately. (I play WoD Changeling a lot)
Also, if you can get past the Porn as Art on DeviantArt, I have a lot of luck with browsing the photographs section. Usually the Stock photos. I don't like to use actors/actresses as Played By's usually, so I have luck there.
I really think that a lot of drama and "feelings of not being wanted" on MU*s can be mitigated simply by not assuming things, and adulting enough to speak to each other. Instead of sitting around and taking gossip at face value, or assuming something typed was meant offensively, someone is ignoring you for some epic reason when really they were just afk, etc.
I tend to read in to things too much, and one of my best friends gets grumpy and such, and we agreed early on to just talk, rather than sitting and moping/getting mad about whatever.
Point is, communication is key - online, real life, everything. Easier said than done sometimes, but still...
(I got through a whole post without forgetting my point! Yay! =D )
Joywave, Meg Myers, Astronautalis, Five Finger Death Punch, Disturbed, MS MR, In This Moment, Slipknot...
....All at the same time (not really).
The usual random mix of stuff >>
I've been told I'm weird/all over the place with my music choices...
@Arkandel said:
"Hey, anyone want to do something?"
"Sure! You wanna meet at $place?"
..."I'm so bored, someone run something for me."
"Alright, what would you like ran?"
"I dunno."
"How about $thing?"
"No, it doesn't fit me exactly right."
..."Hey, I noticed you guys were playing, want one more?"
"Sure, come over!"
<comes over and starts chatting OOC about their day, poses once every half hour>
...And so on.
If I had a nickle for every time I've run into this over the years...
Reminds me of multiple conversations I have about how time is precious, and I have a limited amount of it to spend actively doing things on a for the love of god, be courteous, people.
Kind of ties into the issues of selfishness. I don't know if it's a general lack of empathy on the part of some folks, or what, but ... < Some point I was going to make, but work just ate me and I don't remember...damnit. >