Augh, good reminder to unsub from threads.
It's something that has been going on here on MSB for some time now. As was mentioned by someone in the VASpider thread: people don't see it because they don't want to see it.
It's pointless to go into it as the mods are not interested in doing anything about it. The people doing it are deliberately going after RL triggers and have been doing so for months in one case, over a year in others, to cause maximum real harm.
It sucks to lose a hobby I've been deeply involved in since 1996, but it's become dangerous to my health to be around this crew, and it's not worth it. Just leaving the board won't put a stop to it as the whisper games and provocations have been extensive and long-term.
I don't need to be around people who find it a happy funtime game to see how many panic attacks they can inspire in a day any more, and think this is 'righteous justice' as they do so. This isn't pit behavior, it's pit behavior outside the pit, and has been focused most egregiously in threads involving wellness and emotional support to engage in attacks. This is a transparent tactic of deliberate emotional abuse: to cut people off from any forms of support for whatever issue they're dealing with, but they sincerely believe this makes them good, ethical people as they engage in it.
There's a lot more to it that makes me roll my eyes so hard it gives me eyestrain, but it's even less worth mention at this point.
All I can do at this point is shrug and vote with my feet. No, this is NOT something that happened on HorrorMU, so don't give them any side-eye; they remain awesome.
Unsubbin', so I won't see any further replies, and I'm back out. Be well, y'all.