Jul 24, 2017, 3:21 AM

Look, a subject change!

I hate the ER. Holy shit.

I also hate that I can't figure out how to get the snippet of video I got of the clock in our ER cubicle out of skype on the computer to preserve and share it somewhere, because holy crap that thing weirded me out more than the endless parade of needles. <eyetic>

This clock's second hand would just... freeze. Then skip ahead a ways. Freeze again. Skip ahead a ways. Freeze... repeat. Not even in the same places each time. At first I thought it was fever, 'cause there were no weird painkillers or anything involved here. So I point it out to my mother, who leaps in her chair as though she saw a spider when she sees it doing this, too, and I'm suddenly relieved that it's not just that my brain has decided to boil or something.

No, really. For some reason, this was one of the creepiest things I have ever seen in utterly mundane life. It was like somebody slipped a glitch into reality or something. 😕