Sep 7, 2018, 6:33 PM

The Lyme blood test commonly performed only test for one very specific strain of Lyme. It's very good at detecting that... but that's only a small percentage of actual Lyme cases and I believe once you have Lyme once, even after treatment and cure that test will always show positive. There are a couple of other blood test that do a better job but they're expensive (200-500 depending on how much you want tested) and only performed by a couple of labs in the USA.

The difficulty in getting a good positive blood test for Lyme is why it is a disease that is able to be diagnosed clinically based on symptoms and observation and doesn't need a lab result saying Yes.

I have a LOT of family, friends, neighbors etc that have all been diagnosed and treated/in treatment for Lyme, including myself, so I've done a lot of reading on the subject.