Sssssoooooo...about them peeves, eh?
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Sssssoooooo...about them peeves, eh?
@thenomain In lighter fare, I couldn't stop sneezing earlier because I have the plague and my face is just absolute pestilence, and my dog is terrified of sneezes. So my afternoon has been :
Paris sneezes explosively.
Doggo jumps off bed and hides under it!
"Oh no cutie, come back out! It's ok!"
Doggo crawls out, hesitantly wagging her cute little tail.
Paris sneezes explosively again!
Doggo runs back under bed.
"Oh no, cutie..."
Doggo comes back out.
Paris sneezes explosively again!
Doggo runs...
Having my credit card number stolen.
Now I get to fight all the charges.
Whoever is eating tuna at their desk instead of in one of the three lunch rooms on our floor or the building-wide cafeteria can go right to hell. I don't expect 800 people in my location to cater to my food allergy, but you could at least have some basic office etiquette and confine your smelly lunch to an area I can opt not to be at.
tfw you're in the middle of a 12-day stretch of work, have been working 55+ hrs each week for a month, and then someone @'s you to cover their opening shift the day after you close... expecting you to come back into work 7-hrs after you get off.
The level of exhaustion I feel right now cannot be described, and the answer is not only no, but fuck no and do not ask me for fucking shit. Also check the fucking schedule before you @ the closing manager to open the next goddamned day.
People who piss on toilet seats then do not have the courtesy to wipe them dry with toilet paper.
Why would you do this? Why would you walk out of a toilet cubicle at work leaving piss all over the seat? Somebody is going to have to deal with that and it will be altogether more disgusting for them.
@Packrat said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
People who piss on toilet seats then do not have the courtesy to wipe them dry with toilet paper.
Why would you do this? Why would you walk out of a toilet cubicle at work leaving piss all over the seat? Somebody is going to have to deal with that and it will be altogether more disgusting for them.
I remember once being in a public restroom and hearing a woman tell her daughter: "Don't clean that up, just leave it. That's what they have people for."
Also able-bodied skinny people without kids using the disabled stall. Or the disabled stall's latch is broken, the TP roll is on the floor, there is, yes, pee on the seat and it wasn't a disabled person who left it there, etc...
People will get in that stall and stay there for over a half hour. I assume they're doing drugs, because they're NOT having a shit.
I live in a world-class city, but all the barbarians are attracted to the disabled stall.
And often have to hit three separate casinos or restaurants or whatever just to find one empty stall. Which sucks, considering my tumor crushed my bladder and thus trying to hold it is excruciating.
I finally had to hobble out of my chair and use the regular stall after the disabled one was just a horror, last we stopped at Popeyes. I've had to do this in the bathroom of the Bellagio, too, so it's a problem everywhere. And I have to hope my chair doesn't get stolen! I swear to god I'm suing if I ever fall, which I am at high risk to do again.
@Paris said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I assume they're doing drugs, because they're NOT having a shit.
Don't look up 'cottaging'.
@Tinuviel I didn't have to, and that's not what they're doing, either. :< I might be more forgiving if they were.
@Packrat said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
People who piss on toilet seats then do not have the courtesy to wipe them dry with toilet paper.
Why would you do this? Why would you walk out of a toilet cubicle at work leaving piss all over the seat? Somebody is going to have to deal with that and it will be altogether more disgusting for them.
I never understood any of this. I also read subreddits sometimes where people working in certain industries have to clean... explosions. Like, why? What the hell?
My best guess is they're so worried about sitting on the public seat which might be dirty that they basically end up shitting on the floor.
@Arkandel Humans are just disgusting, filthy creatures. :<
@Tinuviel Oh god yes. I want to slap the people on twitter who say "Oh I'm so #bipolar! Teehee". I spend so much time double checking my responses, and am working really hard on learning to not rationalise my feelings away (maladaptive coping techniques ftw). I screw our budget regularly. I have to budget my energy some weeks and others I can DO ALL THE THINGS. I look at my good mood and go... is this hypomania? You can't just be in a good mood...
Peeve: I was having a nice hot (very hot, actually just boiled) cuppa. Dog leapt on me to get at something I was holding. Poured my tea over me. Because of the last week where our washing machine died, I have no clean jeans. I will be wearing good work trousers to wash the car (has to be done today because work car being returned tomorrow). Abso-bloody-lutely great.
@jinshei Laundromat?
@Aria been but new washing machine was installed, flooded the kitchen, but now is working!
this cold/flu season can kiss my ass. I think I have felt good and healthy like 2 weeks total since late August.
A dramatic retelling of a recent phonecall I had.
"Hey I'd like to schedule an appointment with my doctor, I have about two weeks worth of medication."
Okay sir, our earliest appointment is at the end of the month.
"Ah... Well, alright. Do you have anything in the late afternoon? I can't really do anything beyond 3 PM."
Her latest appointment is at 11:30 AM, sir.
"Mmm... Okay uh... I can do most days of the week except Mondays and Wednesdays-"
She is only in the office on Mondays and Wednesdays sir.
"... Can you just... Can I just get a refill for my pills, somehow?"
Your last appointment was in July, sir. You need an in-person appointment to be prescribed anything.
"... You know what, I'm gonna call you back later."
Ugh. You need a new doctor.
Or check if your insurance does teledoc.Thankfully, my doctor will do refills over the phone when I'm low and I can do teledoc for just $5 a visit and they will gladly do all my meds for me.
My dudes and dudettes:
If I do ALL THE COOKING then I should not also have to do the dishes.
The exception is if I do gratuitous baking. But even then: thou shalt not be allowed a slice of cheesecake if thou doesth not place thine dishes IN THE FUCKING DISHWASHER!