@HelloRaptor said:
I don't believe I've ever cuddled with someone who wasn't already a close friend or family, or suffering hypothermia.
Exactly how many people suffering from hypothermia have you cuddled with?
@Roz said:
getting really excited about nested logical formulas in Excel.
My brain broke, just reading that.
@thebird said:
@Roz said:
getting really excited about nested logical formulas in Excel.
My brain broke, just reading that.
We pay people THIS much if they sell THIS many tickets, but then if they sell THIS many they get paid that PLUS a PERCENTAGE on SOME of the tickets and I made a FORMULA TO SAY IT. A FORMULA, BIRD.
Although, why did I picture you as the Walking Dead meme with Rick and "Coral" just then?
Ha. Amusing..
Going to bed at 10pm like a (ninety-year-old) BOSS!
One more: the fact that cuddleup.com exists. I wonder how legit this is!
@VulgarKitten said:
One more: the fact that cuddleup.com exists. I wonder how legit this is!
I suppose I love that my skin didn't actually crawl completely off my body and down a drain somewhere to hide at checking out that URL.
I love that I don't remember my dreams, because they will be haunted.
Browsing Shoutcast after years and rediscovering Euro music stations that I used to subscribe to, that are now free streaming stations. Then remembering that one of my favorites was a Greek station.
@HelloRaptor said:
@VulgarKitten said:
One more: the fact that cuddleup.com exists. I wonder how legit this is!
I suppose I love that my skin didn't actually crawl completely off my body and down a drain somewhere to hide at checking out that URL.
I love that I don't remember my dreams, because they will be haunted.
You don't love a good cuddle?!
@VulgarKitten said:
@HelloRaptor said:
@VulgarKitten said:
One more: the fact that cuddleup.com exists. I wonder how legit this is!
I suppose I love that my skin didn't actually crawl completely off my body and down a drain somewhere to hide at checking out that URL.
I love that I don't remember my dreams, because they will be haunted.
You don't love a good cuddle?!
From a semi-random stranger? NNNnnnnno.
@HelloRaptor Not even from a professional cuddle worker? I wonder what their rates are. Do they charge by the cuddle? The minute? Do people cuddle for an hour? Do they practice safe cuddling?
The scary part is how simply holding one another starts biochemical reactions that affects how you view the person.
I briefly glanced at he website. It seemed it was charged by the hour.
I like hugs as much and the next person but think it is kind of creepy.
@ThatGuyThere I've actually heard about this kind of thing before. It even made the news. Meeting groups where all people did was hug and cuddle because they didn't get enough human touch in their lives otherwise.
@TNP said:
@ThatGuyThere I've actually heard about this kind of thing before. It even made the news. Meeting groups where all people did was hug and cuddle because they didn't get enough human touch in their lives otherwise.
I don't really bat an eyelash at the idea of using internet sites to hook up for anonymous sex with a random stranger, but that cuddling thing just creeps me out deep into my bones, full on physical shudders even.
I've had completely meaningless sex without a trace of intimacy, but I don't believe I've ever cuddled with someone who wasn't already a close friend or family, or suffering hypothermia.
It violates the intimacy rules of prostitution. You can talk about your life, complain about things, have sex, but no kissing on the mouth.
@HelloRaptor said:
I don't believe I've ever cuddled with someone who wasn't already a close friend or family, or suffering hypothermia.
Exactly how many people suffering from hypothermia have you cuddled with?
@Arkandel said:
@HelloRaptor said:
I don't believe I've ever cuddled with someone who wasn't already a close friend or family, or suffering hypothermia.
Exactly how many people suffering from hypothermia have you cuddled with?
More than one, less than a dozen? I grew up in central Alaska, and used to pretty routinely take trips much further north. Most of the state is a fucking frozen wasteland, and unexpected shit happens there as much as it does anywhere else, except there it almost always reaches the point of "...and then they started freezing to death."
Survive your car running off road into a river? Probably going to freeze to death.
Out camping and get lost? Probably going to freeze to death.
Vehicle breaks down/runs out of gas a hundred miles from anywhere warm? Probably going to freeze to death.
So on and so forth. When you add 'teenage stupidity' to the mix, the number of times it comes up isn't really all that surprising.
You know, this has replaced my image of HR as this suave and sardonic city slicker into a bearded gruff survivalist. In plaid. Maybe armed. He shows up in the middle of the horror film to tell you just how fucked you are, and won't be burdened with trying to save you.