When I was young, but old enough to have newly permanent teeth, my dad took me to a mall dentist who filled almost every single one of my teeth. Badly. Sometimes multiple times. I think I had 14 fillings in three months and would have ended up with more, but one Saturday that dentist was out and the second guy looked at the x-rays where I was supposed to get FIVE more fillings and said "Those aren't cavities, they're just dark spots in her teeth where they're still forming, I'm not going to fill those." We never went back but the damage was done.
Over the years those fillings either fell out, cracked the teeth they were in, or there was a cavity there...that was still there under the filling.
When I was in college I needed a root canal. My usual dentist was out and my dad's insurance routinely would refuse service every time I went for dental work until I faxed them something saying I was still a student, honestly, seriously guys. But the dentist in that day hollowed out my tooth then said my insurance declined the rest and if I didn't fork up teh $700 right then I'd have to go. I was 19 and poor as shit. I left.
Two days later the hollowed out tooth that had a piece of gauze in it shattered. I had to have gum surgery to even get enough tooth to put a crown on it.
That tooth would be my first implant! I have a dentist I love now, but holy shit are my teeth fucked up. Thankfully the front eight are still fine, but I'm not even sure if I have any actual molars left. Most of them are crowns. I broke a tooth over the weekend and spent three hours getting a crown put in yesterday. Thankfully I have very good dental insurance, but that still cost $500 out of pocket.
tldr; fuck bad dentists. At least I never needed braces! I have nice, straight teeth.
I would have rather had braces.