Feb 15, 2019, 4:37 AM

I never saw a dentist the entire time I was growing up, and I had no reason to. My teeth were fine until I moved out of my parent's house and started feeding myself regularly. Thanks to a regular diet of soda (which I never had growing up) and ultra-processed fast food crap (again, which I never had while growing up), I ended up with 3 fillings and a crown before I was 30 😞 It really doesn't matter how often you brush and floss when your diet is horrible, your teeth are going to suffer.

I cook at home a lot more now and I try to avoid soda (I sometimes treat myself to a diet Dr Pepper because it's the awesomest soda over), sugar and stuff. It seems to be working because I haven't had a problem in a while (except for a filling that came out).