Has anyone else watched The Dragon Prince on Netflix?
It fills the missing part in my life from Avatar (it's done by the same people, y'all) and oh man, this show does diversity right. It just... is. Like, it's just a part of the world. It's not jam-smushed in your face like a lot of network television tries (and often poorly I'm looking at you CW with your 'oh hey this character who has been straight the past X seasons is suddenly awkwardly gay').
I wanna be Amaya when I grow up. She's amazing and I fucking love how she fights with her shield.
Also, poor Galen. Who somehow manages to be ridiculously polite and optimistic despite his circumstance (I love him and his freckle-y face). .... really I could gush about like, 90% of the characters.
But Bait is no Momo gdi.