We also need a modern day 5-star match in this thread.
Pro Wrasslin'
So...looks like I'm going to be going to an event and will be seeing Pentagon Jr, Rey Fenix, and Dragon Azteca Jr. I'm freaking out. This is gonna be amazeballs.
Any other wrestling dorks here?
I do me the wrassling, but I haven't had cable or the time to watch a full WWE RAW broadcast for a while now.
@Ganymede YouTube the following:
Becky Lynch
Charlotte Flair
The IIconics (2 i's)
RicochetSome great stuff going on right now. The women's division in WWE is on fire and Becky Lynch is the buzziest thing in wrestling right now.
Really glad to see the Women's division evolve from "Divas+Bra/Panty Matches" to "Women's division with over 30 members that do powerbombs through tables" -
paging @Dreampipe, paging @Dreampipe, your dream thread has arrived.
I'm aware of Becky and Charlotte, Sasha and Alexa. Believe me, I'm aware.
I just haven't enjoyed it yet.
Oh shit what it do my guys
We in the midst of Wrestlemania season and it is a doozy. Batista and Triple H program after he straight up murdered Ric Flair, Becky Lynch getting arrested and all this shoot fighting with Ronda Rousey over twitter, Kofi Kingston potentially getting his main event with Dbry. R-R-R-RICOHET and Aleistar Black call-up.
WWE is a hot place to be right now. Red hot and I'm loving it.
Don't even get me started on Velveteen Dream tearing up NXT right now. Him and Adam Cole are gonna be a dream combination.
We also need a modern day 5-star match in this thread.
A while back, I got to see the Undertaker fight Kane three hours after having my wisdom teeth pulled. It was awesome. Protip, don't wear a white shirt to wrasslin after going to the dentist.
I had a chance to see the Rumble this year, but tickets were weird. It was at a baseball stadium, and really everything BUT ringside seemed so far away.
I wish they'd do more with Sanity. They never should have split off Nikki.
I've been slowly digging into NJPW after watching a bunch of Botchamanias and All In reignited my interest in chasing non-WWE content. The free matches on NJPW World have been great so far, and Jericho/Omega was, shocker, fantastic! Still need to get into the Omega/Okada series, but that's kind of a hefty committment.
Also very much on the Kofitrain, WWE-wise, but I have been hurt by WWE enough times by now that I'm only expecting so much to come of his push. NXT is still great, at least, though I'm wondering where it'll go if the current set of call-ups are going to be phased out soon; they've got a lot of strong women, but the men's side seems kind of rough beyond TUE and Dream right now.
RIP King Kong Bundy.
Much belatedly, Pentagon, Jr. is an amazing talent. I love watching his work solo or with his brother. He's one of my favorites of the newer generation.
@Saulot All In was my first time seeing Penta or Fenix, and seconded: they're fucking great! I reaaaally need to go get caught up on Lucha Underground; I missed the boat due to not having El Rey when it first started up.
- 28 days later
Becky Lynch is like...the best thing right now.
Dreamy-sigh that is. She's so great.
@Ghost I still remember the first time I saw her on NXT. I was still fawning over Alexa Bliss, and then I saw Becky in her feud with Sasha Banks and she definitely made me take notice. Now she's done it to the whole Universe.
Also, if folks are tired of the corporate-ness of the WWE, I strongly recommend taking a good long look at AEW. Cody and the Young Bucks have filled the roster with a TON of indie talent.
@Jonah42175 said in Pro Wrasslin':
@Ghost I still remember the first time I saw her on NXT. I was still fawning over Alexa Bliss, and then I saw Becky in her feud with Sasha Banks and she definitely made me take notice. Now she's done it to the whole Universe.
Sadly, I doubt she'll win the belt this weekend because it would be too obviously giving in to what the fans want, so I expect some shenanigans. It'll be a fun match, no doubt.