@Rinel said in Game of Thrones:
***Thoughts on chivalry***
Game of Thrones
@Rinel said in Game of Thrones:
***Thoughts on chivalry***click to show -
@surreality Well, shit.
@Sockmonkey ***zomg spoilers***
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***=From Yahoo! right now...***
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***Spoiler tags suck and are not intuitive.***click to show -
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***=I read an interview by the episode's director...***
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We could just put this entire thread behind a spoiler tag. This and "Good/New Movies".
@bored Oh, one more thing I just responded to a buddy of mine on FB posting (spoilers to anyone who visits the link) this YouTube analysis from a strategic point of view.
My takeaways from it:
This is a TV series, not a tactical simulation. Spending 20 minutes to discuss fantasy-military siege strategy is missing the point by... a lot. This isn't an RTS game.
Comments like "I still enjoy it but..." just baffle me. But what? What the hell...? What do people want more than enjoyment? Life-long fulfillment?
***=Sorrynotsorry because so much cool new art and memes to post. ***
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@Arkandel Your second one doesn't show for me? And when I try to follow the image link it tells me I need to sign in.
Okay so I did have some issues with the episode. One of which being, frankly, a ninety-minute battle scene starts to drag, and I don't think cutting some of the slo-mo and a few of the "<CHAR> IS MOBBED BY ZOMBIES they're okay now" scenes would have hurt the experience.
***=SPOILER stuff***click to show -
@insomniac7809 Try now for the second image.
@Arkandel Nice.
@Arkandel said in Game of Thrones:
@Spending 20 minutes to discuss fantasy-military siege strategy is missing the point by... a lot. This isn't an RTS game.
But this is not stuff that's esoteric military tactics. This is stuff like "why is that ditch there?"
@Arkandel Uh, sure? I'm less clear why this is @ me when you're mostly ranting at some guy on Youtube (I promise you did not by coincidence discover my secret youtuber identity). I could do that kind of analysis, as I'm sure plenty of the history-nerds that occupy our hobby could, but I recognize it's entertainment and that's why my mentions of those things were brief, not in a 20+ minute sprawling rant.
What I don't get is why there's anything wrong with someone saying they "enjoy something but..." and analyze it?
Action in cinema (and lets be honest that GoT spends money that puts it beyond TV quality standards) can be stylistic, but it still needs to be coherent. When it falls down (and at saner hour I could find some really bad examples to demonstrate), it's usually because of a lack of clear continuity of location, sequence of action, cause and effect, etc. Those things make the frenzy into a story. In this ep, the biggest problem was a bunch of disjoint 'peril' scenes that didn't connect to one another, were sometimes repeated or redundant, and did not build to the climax, but just waited for it.
If as the viewer you think 'oh wow they're dead for sure' as the camera pans away, then the next appearance of those characters should confirm what happened, either reaffirming what you saw (someone discovers bodies, mourns their loss later) or explaining how they in fact managed to not be dead. Failing to do that is an error. There was plenty great about the ep, but I think others (Battle of Castle Black esp) were far more coherent.
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@Pandora said in Game of Thrones:
***Spoiler tags suck and are not intuitive.***click to show***=***
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@Cupcake I saw that, she's so talented, it's amazing. I hope she goes really far in her career and keeps that wide-eyed humbleness for as long as she can, it's totally endearing.
@bored said in Game of Thrones:
If as the viewer you think 'oh wow they're dead for sure' as the camera pans away, then the next appearance of those characters should confirm what happened, either reaffirming what you saw (someone discovers bodies, mourns their loss later) or explaining how they in fact managed to not be dead. Failing to do that is an error.
I believe the implication of 'Oh wow they're dead for sure' followed by their not being dead is that they managed to overcome the odds, deflecting a stab here, dodging a bite there, running away, etc. You know, kind of what they were doing when you thought they might die, and what they were doing the next time you saw them as well?
Like, I agree that we're all entitled to our opinions, don't get me wrong. But I definitely wanted to see all the many and varied situations and and moments of imperilment shown - which they would not have been able to do if they'd hand-held us through explanations of how famed swordsmen and women used their swords to not die.