@Runescryer Wait, CoH rebirth?!
What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Runescryer Wait, CoH rebirth?!
@Jennkryst said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
I was just reminded that Elite Dangerous TTRPG was a thing.
Make it with HSpace, you cowards.
But also.
A Harry Potter/Hogwarts style game, but. With Star Wars Space Wizards. The Clone War Era books even have Padawan, Knight, and Master as career specializations.
(WITH SPACE, YOU COWARDS (or maybe not, I dunno))
ETA: Yes, I did quote and agree with myself, big deal, wanna fight about it?
@Lotherio said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
@Rinel said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
You'd think they'd have figured out Azeroth probably needs a united force to defend it by now
Then they'd have to call it World of Peacefulness, which is trademarked by the races of Nozeroth who've yet to release product but are adamant about keeping the rights to their world theme.
Btw there is a rumor going around that Sylvanas Windrunner will be leading a new 3rd faction soon.
I want a Carnival Row game so bad
I'm a weak, sentimental fool who just wants a good Sonic the Hedgehog mush that creatively uses elements from all (most) of the different canons. <__<
Also Fighting Game mu's have a lot of potential, though I'm not as into the combat-system focus as I am on just good storytelling and fight choreography.
That and I keep thinking a Hellsing Ultimate game might be fun.
@tek I've wanted to do a carnival nWoD Changeling game for a while. Not the same thing but...
@tek said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
I want a Carnival Row game so bad
Just finished it last night and was about to post the same thing here.
.........by which I mean, some kinda urban fantasy that leans more on ridiculousness and shenanigans than WoD. I've said it probably a bajillion times but something like a Todd and the Book of Pure Evil meets early Buffy would just be fun.
Ares with the Fate plugins was stunningly easy going and I felt like I wasn't really all that far from making a game before life got rocky, oi. Sooooomeday I'll spin it up again.
Play this song in a side-window while reading this. It'll make it better. I promise.
You know what would be neat? A really thickly gothic/blackmetal type fantasy game.
I'm talking stuff closer to Conan where there are rivers of blood and the "Icy Witch of the Woods" or haunted swamps where whole legions of ancient armies lie buried deep within the mud only to devour foolish travelers who would enter. I'm talking black spires and ziggurats of cults led by emaciated lich-like men and women covered in serpents and cockroaches, or nomadic bands of chaos-driven flagellants with bloody fingertips and black shrouds over their faces.
(fuckyouauspiceIknowbutIneedthisgiftosellthisidea)I'm talking about powerful tribes of barbarians fighting back the darkness and knights in cracked and blood-soaked chainmail standing on the walls of blackened castles staring out into the lightning-lit night sky, past the rain, to creatures moving out in the trees.
I'm not talking chainmail bikinis and Lords and Ladies. I'm talking...
Fighting motherfuckin...
...I think this would be thoroughly badass, and would welcome evil, blood, mortality, grit, and grime over coffee rp.
ETA: And no happy endings. There is no happy ending. Their is no hope beyond survival, glory, hard liquor, and a solid boning once in a while after washing caked up mud, blood, and black mold off of your chiseled badass body because the sun rises once every 45 days and when you live in a Hell of eternal night...that's what's best in life. And then on that one night you dare to put on a nice shirt or dress and try to get a dance with someone you like, the fucking Duke explodes in a shower of bloody rags and starts murdering people in the mead hall because he was consorting with a harem of 24 fel-corrupted death witches who used him as a vessel for the return of a 12,000 year old pestilence demon.
Because \m/ Dio horns to the sky and poured mead for the glorious dead. Metal, baby. Metal.
ETA2: And stuff like a +code to let staff know when you're having something remotely near normal romantic-type roleplay so that they can scramble the eggs of your sweet, romantic interlude with a sudden assault by sentient fungus that bleeds from its eye sockets and whatever that is that is probably a mouth. Why? Because in this world
fightingfrenzied axe-brawling for your life back-to-back with the person you love only to end up in a dirty washtub together is romance. Raar.Okay. Bedtime.
@Ghost It would probably attract the most annoying of edge lords, though, and they're such a pain to RP with.
@Ominous said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
@Ghost It would probably attract the most annoying of edge lords, though, and they're such a pain to RP with.
LOL. Come on @Ominous, don't make this depressing.
I still vote for a gritty, real Dark Sun where the stakes are high and people don't try to whitewash the parts of it that are meant to demonstrate how savage and desperate the world is.
@Ghost All of that. Yes. YES. I want to be able to play awful black metal that sounds like it was recorded in a dumpster while I MUSH and have it be thematic.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6wzijeiClA just extra inspiration because yes
Great, time to read through Zweihander again.
@Ghost said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
… stuff
While not a fan of black metal I can appreciate the effort to share this dream. Good job on the music choice.
Can monsters be vanquished by the power of rock? Wasn't there a tv show on Cartoon Network? Metal something?
@Doozer Metalocalypse.
They didn't so much fight monsters with metal, but more so would play (example) an EPIC metal show outside of a prison in a 200 foot tall robotic spider stage where they assisted the prison in their death row executions by having prisoners launched on rockets into the sky, and then black hooded roadies use lasers to shoot the rockets and make them explode into shapes like colorful bats and skulls.
...and then accidentally cause a jailbreak that unleashes hundreds of murderous felons back into the civilian population.
@Ghost Turning a somber event into a magical light show. I can dig it.
You gave yourself the rule of only Mac gifs.
Not me.
now update your sig in shame. -
@Ghost said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
LOL. Come on @Ominous, don't make this depressing.
I am the living embodiment of depression. I should change my username to Despair or Melancholy, but that's even more edge lord than my current username.
@Derp Isn't that Armageddon MUD? I've never played it, but my understanding is that it is Dark Sun with the serial number filed off.
I loved Metalocalypse. My favorite episode is the fourth one "Dethtroll" with the blade-covered Dethphones and the brutal cell phone contract.