Any Fate free WOD games left?
The only WOD game I have found with an active player base has the Fate system which means nothing exciting ever happens because 99% of the people are set to fate1 and never do anything that might risk their perfect blanket of OOC protection.
I'm trying really, really hard to keep it interesting but it's like fighting the ocean. It just becomes tiresome after a while. Is there a game left which has both players and no child-proofing system?
For those who are curious but don't know how to ask, the "Fate" was a consent system created for Dark METAL (edit, goddamnit) back in the day, where the level of what can affect you was also the level you could affect others or the game itself. I cannot remember the details too well, but it went from 0 to 5 and Black Dog (because of course it did) where 0 meant "I am on full consent and can affect nobody and nothing; I'm just here to chat". 5 meant "Can kill and be killed for any reason even just because it's Tuesday." And Black Dog was the "edgelord maximum extreme" for complete gore and F.A.T.A.L-approved situations; absolutely nothing was off-limits.
"1" was pretty much "can RP". I hovered between a 2 and 3.
As far as "active" is concerned, it's not something anyone but you can say; just ask people who want to RP outside of any game's usual active time-zones. I'm unaware of anything to the levels of Haunted Memories or The Reach.
@Carex We dont have a Fate system on Golden Road. That's pretty much cause it's single sphere and I let whatever happen, happen. It's a dangerous world, and magick is dangerous. So far no one has died though, but we did just start
I'm on at the moment just because it has actual people on it but there is only so much hanging out and surfing I can take. The people are nice and don't get me wrong, it's a lovely place to hang out as long as you don't mind everything being baby-proofed.
If you want kinky sex and intra-sphere drama it's a good bet you can find something you'll enjoy, just don't expect any clashed outside of your own sphere. People play it very, very, safe.
I miss the days when things happened and there was excitement.
It could just be nostalgia-goggles but the game seemed a lot more fun and worth investing in when you could die if you pissed off the wrong person. -
@Carex City of Shadows is opening soon, if I recall. It's nWoD 2e (Chronicles of Darkness) though. I forget the wiki information (I am not on my home PC at the moment) but I'm sure someone knows it.
- - I'm guessing between 2-4 weeks once the last bit of tinkering for the changeling code is done until we open. So not too much longer. We're open for soft rp and sheet building for anything but 'ling (mage, mortal, wolf, vamp). The wiki is pretty incomplete - that's what the next few weeks will be focused on, is getting that data up and fine tuned.
I am playing on a pretty fun 1e Vampire discord server at the moment, bit I am not sure if we talk about those here, since they are not MU.
@Taika said in Any Fate free WOD games left?: - I'm guessing between 2-4 weeks once the last bit of tinkering for the changeling code is done until we open.
oWoD wise there's Sheltering Sky and GarouMUSH. Other than CoH, that's about it right now that I'm aware of.
@Grayson said in Any Fate free WOD games left?:
oWoD wise there's Sheltering Sky and GarouMUSH.
There’s always GarouMush. There will always be GarouMush. When mankind has passed and gone, the cockroaches will band together in a psychic compulsion to run GarouMush.
@Thenomain said in Any Fate free WOD games left?:
For those who are curious but don't know how to ask, the "Fate" was a consent system created for Dark Water back in the day, where the level of what can affect you was also the level you could affect others or the game itself. I cannot remember the details too well, but it went from 0 to 5 and Black Dog (because of course it did) where 0 meant "I am on full consent and can affect nobody and nothing; I'm just here to chat". 5 meant "Can kill and be killed for any reason even just because it's Tuesday." And Black Dog was the "edgelord maximum extreme" for complete gore and F.A.T.A.L-approved situations; absolutely nothing was off-limits.
"1" was pretty much "can RP". I hovered between a 2 and 3.
As far as "active" is concerned, it's not something anyone but you can say; just ask people who want to RP outside of any game's usual active time-zones. I'm unaware of anything to the levels of Haunted Memories or The Reach.
Correction: Darkmetal.
Darkwatet had no consent rules.
That fate level on DarkMetal was fascinating to me at first (I think I used a 3 when I played there) but mostly led to people wandering into the room, realizing I wasn't at a level where they could auto-kill me, and cussing me out at length before leaving.
Fuck that shit.
Lordy, lordy, Ganymede-adjusted Alucinor. It's like she's baiting me.
To be fair, I didn't entirely create the Alucinor at Reno. I think that was more skew's doing or Derp's doing.
I did make the bloodline for a different game that, to my knowledge, never opened.
But, yes, try Echoes.
@Ganymede said in Any Fate free WOD games left?:
I think that was more skew's doing or Derp's doing.
Not me. I wasn't on Reno for more than a hot second. I didn't fully get on board until Portland.
Then maybe I did draft it? I did an awful lot of these back in the day.
@Ganymede You did the ones for TDM and you played there
Those're the ones I've got up for CoS, just need to tweak the flavor text to re-date them.
So, having never played on DM, I thought this meant a WoD setting with FATE points or something similar, and not gonna lie, I kinda want to go to there.