Jan 1, 2020, 10:26 PM

I was hoping to have good well better I guess news to post here but...

Baby Isla was born at 159p Pacific time on 12/31. She had managed to pass some stool before, during or shortly after birth (right in the middle of birth South Lake Tahoe lost Internet and cell service for hours and hours so I aged 20 years stressing on WHAT IS HAPPENING and lots of other stuff happened so I'm not 100% on which which apparently makes a huge difference) so they were hopeful about her intestines at first.

Then my daughter fed her and it didn't go so well and rush imaging showed there's definitely a blockage so they've taken the baby to NICU and put her on IV and some kind of stomach vaccuum to get the stuff she ate out (so the obstruction doesn't grow) in preparation for surgery.

If all goes well she may be sorted out and healed enough to be home by February.

Does anybody know if (hospital in NV, residence in CA, if it matters) since she was born before 1/1 the deduction starts over or if it's on the 2019 one?