I still have the spreadsheets we had to use for our rifts mush Love the system, love the setting!
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@ZombieGenesis said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I'm tempted to make a Champions or Heroes Unlimited MUSH just to spite people.
@ZombieGenesis said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I'm tempted to make a Champions or Heroes Unlimited MUSH just to spite people.
A Champions MUSH with the FUZION rules, please!
@ZombieGenesis said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
All they do is parrot garbage they read off of forums and act like this makes them experts.
Look, if I think something, then it must be correct, because I am too special to be wrong or to need to do research before being right.
@GreenFlashlight said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@ZombieGenesis said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
All they do is parrot garbage they read off of forums and act like this makes them experts.
Look, if I think something, then it must be correct, because I am too special to be wrong or to need to do research before being right.
See every third post on MSB.
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@ZombieGenesis said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I'm tempted to make a Champions or Heroes Unlimited MUSH just to spite people.
I almost flagged that post for moderation.
You're a monster.
I love Rifts. It's a glorious monstrosity of a setting where you can be anything and anything can happen. What other game allows a party comprised of a demigod, a vampire, a dragon, and a terminator like cyborg to go up against a Cthulhian like alien monster from another universe?
@ZombieGenesis said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I love Rifts. It's a glorious monstrosity of a setting where you can be anything and anything can happen. What other game allows a party comprised of a demigod, a vampire, a dragon, and a terminator like cyborg to go up against a Cthulhian like alien monster from another universe?
Oh the setting is just fine. It's the system that'll get ya.
I don't really see anything wrong with the system, to be honest. I think it could use a bit of a skill overhaul and revision and I think it could use a "Second Edition" that smooths over some of the inconsistencies that have cropped up over the 30 years of supplements that have been made for it but that's about it. I don't think it's quite as slick as D&D 5E but I'd take Palladium Fantasy or Rifts over Pathfinder 1st or 2nd Edition any day.
I still have the spreadsheets we had to use for our rifts mush
Love the system, love the setting!
I'll spread your rifts
If you're someone who likes to regularly remind people that you like to be open about mental health issues and want it to be something people can have a conversation about...
...don't snap at the person who says 'Thank you for the offer, but I'm not able to work a job like that due to my anxiety' when you offer to try to get them a referral somewhere. Esp. not with a 'Well since soandso doesn't appreciate what I'm willing to do for them, is anyone else interested?'
like thanks a million now I've had to mute one of my favorite Discord servers for the day because being chewed out for being unappreciative 'in front of' everyone when I a) thanked you for the offer, b) explained why I can't accept it due to my anxiety (to someone who likes to go on at length about THEIR anxiety) set me off on an anxiety attack.
I'm trying not to judge and maybe they're having a bad day too but sometimes I feel like it's more performative for people like that. Like it's a 'I'm gonna tell everyone all the time about my anxiety except I don't really have it I just want people to think I do so I have an excuse to behave in shitty ways and get away with it' but I know that's just how bad/frustrated I'm feeling right now and maybe we just clashed and muting the server for a day is the best option. Breathing room.
Load shedding.
My country has a problem with the power grid. Mostly, the biggest problem is that systems haven't been maintained in about 20 years. The strain on the existing power stations is extreme and for the past couple of years we have had to deal with rolling blackouts to take the strain off of the grid.
But have they been doing anything about it? Well they started building a new power station a decade ago. Haven't finished it yet because all the money (a full BILLION US Dollars and COUNTING) keeps getting relocated to friends of politicians. Because we are a socialist country and assets like electricity are owned by the government. (TL;DR: Corruption EVERYWHERE). So, No. No new power plants.
It's not even a solar plant. Or a wind generator - two things we have in ABUNDANCE. It's coal. They have done that because it creates jobs, but shit coal is dirty. It kills the miners. It kills the environment. Just... What the actual fuck.
January rolled around this year though and they have hired a new CEO to take control of the country and he done tol' South Africa this week to sit down, shut up, deal with the blackouts while he gets this maintenance DONE. Last week he said it'd be over Monday (tomorrow) and today (Sunday) they said it might be on til Thursday.
Which is fine and dandy. We actually have pretty spot on schedules to warn us and help us plan around these blackouts.
My biggest GRIPE is that this is THE HOTTEST month for South Africa to come around. Literally the sun is closest right now in its orbit and I can't walk outside (or even keep conscious) between the hours of 11am and 4pm because my eyebrows spontaneously fucking combust.
Oh, and this means that sometimes (most of the time) I do not even have a damn fan during peak HOT in the day.
And yes I would totally invest in a generator if I had that kind of money.
The heat makes me want to cry.
As someone who owned all the books, the Rifters, etc. It can be awesome. It can be confusing. So, it's a MU.
At least Texas is throwing its hat into the ring on stopping this shitty daylight savings time business.
It is also really really hard finding an SSI/SSDI lawyer in town.
I miss being able to work, but complex migraines, mild seizures, tremors, depression so dire it landed me in a psych ward for a week and generally being gimpy is the worst. I continue to be useless and also a leech. whoop whoop.
...and another one. Two in one day? Really?
I welcome my new otherworldly overlords from beyond the veil. Please don't steal my scissors like y'all do to my mother, I really do need them. I will share my coffee, and we usually have cookies?
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I have a moderately obscure first name.
I have seen it used in television twice for aliens/non-human fictional characters.
I have also now seen it occur four times in various paranormal shows as the victim of a haunting, which is really a peculiarly high incidence. (Including that one time the preview at the start of the episode re-enactment kicked off with a creepy voice whispering MY OBSCURE NAME. Beads and cats suddenly flying everywhere as I yikesed, having been caught totally off-guard... )
Dear Mom + Dad: Thanks for the weird name pick, guess you wanted me to get haunted.
If it makes you feel any better, I also have a relatively uncommon first name....
And once had to sit through an entire class while I was finishing my degree where a room full of 20 year olds analyzed a book in which a character with my name had been sexually assaulted and while most of the kids were.... let's say "well-intentioned" in that discussion, there was a whole lot of talk about how victims are "supposed" to act and this character very, very much did not.
Guess who had a panic attack in the bathroom and then a long chat with the professor the next week about a) content warnings and b) being the adult in the room responsible for giving the little shits some perspective on both the likelihood of someone in that room having been assaulted at some point and why most victims do, in fact, behave as said character did in such "wasn't violently attacked in an alley by a total stranger" circumstances.
Like, good on those kids -- even the little sophomore boys! -- for recognizing that the way that scene was portrayed was definitely rape. They were so, so close to getting it right! But. BUT.
Fortunately he was my favorite professor and I was one of his favorite students. So we very much agreed on not relegating such subjects to the Women's Studies classes where they won't be discussed by the majority of the student body literally ever, but he was also super receptive to my suggestions on how to handle that book in the future.
@Aria ALL the empathy hugs forever. I would... not have been able to handle that. Good on you for lecturing the prof. I would not have had the spine, and I am very glad you did, for exactly the reasons you describe.
...admittedly, the first time I heard my name in something is when I popped in an unlabeled tape in the VCR and, uh, it was porn. (I dunno if I keep forgetting that one, or if I have just consistently blocked it out.) You still win.
(Since you're localish, you are probably the only person who will really 'get' this. If I'm destined to be haunted I demand to win the lottery so I can warehouse my ghosts here. Sure, most people will look at that place and go, 'yup, looks like a good haunted house candidate!', but you know general property prices in this region... yep, that fucker must be 'no one survives the night' levels of haunted. For everyone else, uh, you usually can't touch anything a fraction of that size or quality for less than four times that price in this general region. It's just gonna be funnier to localish folks regardless!)
@surreality Honestly, that book is a really good book. The professor was completely right about teaching it in the course not only because of the desire to avoid "women's issues" existing solely in an echo chamber where they'll never reach the people that most need to hear about them, but because the two instances of assault in the text and how the main character -- who perpetrates one and is traumatized by the other -- reacts demonstrates a sharp contrast in how accusations are dealt with based on race, class, levels of familiarity, levels of violence, and -- given that this was a South African novel -- history and politics in the region.
Someone just really needed to put up some guardrails for the class discussion, including pointing out how said discussion fed into those very same contrasts and given that he's the 50 year old professor in a classroom full of 20 year old kids.... uhhh, that's you, dude. That's definitely you. He was very apologetic, sweet, and receptive about everything I said. I hope he's still covering that book, but better!
As for the house:
a) GORGEOUS. I want it now.
b) Definitely haunted. Like, either in a good Harry Potterish kind of way where that's secretly the headquarters of a school for wayward magical orphans or something, OR it's a creepy murder house and everyone is gonna die, but definitely not anything in between.
c) .....Is it just me or does the big painting in the background of photo #11 look like an abstraction of Death in The Seventh Seal? -
@Aria I think my official irk of the day is that it isn't already my house, so yes.
Also, yes it does and I weirdly love it. I even love/hate the decor. (Some I love, some I hate.) The gargoyles everywhere? Original to the house. I MEAN...
I stumbled across it a few days ago and was just dyin' because... yeah you always hear about 'that gorgeous huge old house that's selling for way less than it should' and you think 'sure, I hear about that, but I've never actually seen it happen... ' and, welp... seen it now!
I mean if I absolutely have to get haunt-murdered... I'd like to do it there, plz.
ETA: WAIT, NO. Clearly that's a house that somehow migrated into reality from The Reach. Nobody break out a blacklight...