My local rite aid sells a selection of personal lubricant that would make a sex shop proud but does not sell any fucking aloe vera! I guess when I burn myself or get a sun burn I just put some f'ing lube on it. That'll help right?
RL Anger
... and now my cat is missing.
I know I'm new and all that but getting an 80.6% on something and being told it's a failure is meeeeeh.
Pod is safe. Thanks, random neighbor dog who helps foster kittens.
@silentsophia said:
Pod is safe. Thanks, random neighbor dog who helps foster kittens.
So glad your cat's safe! I think sometimes they go missing just to check our devotion to them!
@Pondscum Aww, thanks. And yeah, I swear they do. I love my Poderator but oi.
So I am in the middle of a job transition. I have a few days left here at this job that I am at, working IT, before I head down to Louisiana to start a new job.
My biggest pet peeve working in an IT corporate environment: the newspeak that is used in offices and people speaking in a technical language that does more to obscure rather than clarify. To quote Cleaver Greene from the Australian sitcom "Rake," "the church and lawyers at one time used Latin to obscure meanings. But now we've succeeded in making English as equally incomprehensible!"
Some websites that support my frustration:
Obfuscation and diffusion of meaning, responsibility, accountability are big things. Seems like it started for serious in the 70s.
Dear God, please save me from useless jargon. If I have to hear one more pithy, meaningless catchphrase that has no context in the business world from my manager one more time, I'll let him know exactly what he can do with his 110% and which orifice I think would be a lovely holder for his synergy.
Ask him to store the list of those phrases on the cloud.
My local rite aid sells a selection of personal lubricant that would make a sex shop proud but does not sell any fucking aloe vera! I guess when I burn myself or get a sun burn I just put some f'ing lube on it. That'll help right?
@Cobaltasaurus said:
My local rite aid sells a selection of personal lubricant that would make a sex shop proud but does not sell any fucking aloe vera! I guess when I burn myself or get a sun burn I just put some f'ing lube on it. That'll help right?
Its cause they want you to buy their patented burn spray and lotion with aloe in it.
@Miss-Demeanor said:
Its cause they want you to buy their patented burn spray and lotion with aloe in it.
Except I'm not buying those thing.
I'll go buy a f'ing aloe vera plant and hack the poor then up when I need aloe vera.
That's actually the best way to do it. Keep it in a relatively sunny spot, water it every other day, make sure the soil stays a nice, loamy texture... and that aloe plant will last for FOREVER. We tossed one out back about 5 years ago. Little thing, maybe 6 inches high. Its now a monstrous 3 foot spine-covered burnbot outside the back door. XD
My ex forgot her aloe clippings inside a sealed bag in a planter that was out of sight. They grew into full on aloe plants.
@Misadventure said:
My ex forgot her aloe clippings inside a sealed bag in a planter that was out of sight. They grew into full on aloe plants.
This sounds like a win to me.
This is one of my hot buttons.
Asinine questions like that simultaneously enrage me and depress me. They remind me of the bullshit I was fed as a teenager in the midst of the Cold War. "Russians just don't value life like we do. Russian mothers celebrate their children's death if it's in service to the state. Russian tanks have one-way radios: they can only receive, not transmit."
I'm at the point now that if I hear this kind of shit live (for any culture—even the hated Americans who are all uneducated, insular, violent, thuggish, and boorish) I have to mentally restrain myself from just reaching across and backhanding the fucking idiot who says it. When it's online like that question I am left with the far less viscerally satisfying solution of using words.
@WTFE The chinese people value life? yeah. The chinese government? Not so much. Conflating the beliefs of a people with their non-democratic despotic government's beliefs is very deceptive. Which is why I suspect that the stuff about the russian people was going around during the cold war.
@Shebakoby said:
@WTFE The chinese people value life? yeah. The chinese government? Not so much. Conflating the beliefs of a people with their non-democratic despotic government's beliefs is very deceptive. Which is why I suspect that the stuff about the russian people was going around during the cold war.
That's it exactly. Plus the fact that the western governments (both then and now) stood/stand to gain from dehumanizing the opposition.
@WTFE yeah, dehumanization of the opposition/enemy has been universally de riguer since time immemorial.
Bitch for the Day: Motherfuckers that either will not or cannot train their goddamn dogs. If you get a dog, TRAIN IT. I do not wish to be accosted by your fucking furball every time I step outside my door. I will stop coming over to your house, no matter how good of a friend you are, if you have piss and shit on your floors. If you cannot afford to properly care for a dog, don't fucking buy one.
And I swear to God if I have to hear one more whining rant about someone's 'furry children' and how it isn't fair that they aren't given the same consideration as someone with actual children, then I will start leaving a bloody path of destruction in my wake.