On Friday, I spent the evening in the ER with probably the worst kind of chest pain I have experienced in my life (I actually was 90 percent sure that I was a goner). I did not have a heart attack or stroke, nor does it look like I had anything minor previously, and do not have the markers for a potential upcoming one, nor did I have an aortic dissection (what they were actually worried about) So that's good, ruled out all the Actual Emergency stuff. I do have a follow up appointment with cardiology though, and there were some other bloodwork results that were off that my primary care doctor wants to revisit (one of those things that could be an indicator of Bad Things or nothing) soon, especially since I have had such a pretty life-changing problem with severe fatigue over the last few months that I had thought was more psychological in origin (and it very well may be, though if that was a panic attack it's unlike any other I've experienced, I'm open to the idea that's all it was). It feels weird and fucked up to visit the hospital period right now, and even worse to take up time when what I experienced was not an emergency emergency, but I'm also kind of not looking forward to further visits in the hospital complex. Not that I would have enjoyed them BEFORE the age of Covid19, but. Also, I really wish that more people would listen to "Hey, I know I'm a bad stick, you might need to get your best vein-whisperer in here and/or the ultrasound attachment that lets you find/place IVs" before they'd ripped up both my arms. It's been 3 days and they're only now not aching.
But mostly I wish that this stupid ass fatigue would go away. I can be okay and then within 10 minutes once whatever that invisible limit is reached I literally feel like I have mere minutes to crawl into bed before I am out cold for awhile. It hasn't yet happened dangerously (at work, during driving where I'm more than 15 minutes from home, though it's started in both before). It's aggravating, I'm sad and worried about it of course, but I at least have Real Doctor visits set up now to find out more instead of just assuming it's just a part of stress I have to deal with.