@Cupcake said in Good TV:
@Auspice Nicholas Hoult took an utterly reprehensible historical character and made me like him.
He has a knack for playing assholes that you end up grudgingly liking (have you seen Skins? Because Skins.)
I think it's because like DiCaprio in Django, he knows what he's doing and embraces the fact that he's a fucking actor and not the role, so he can lean into the role and lampoon it. I mean there's pretty much glee in lines as 'I let them portray me as as a donkey fucker!'
Plus, y'know, Nicholas Hoult.
Orlo and Arkady were probably my absolute favorites tho. But there were just... god, so many little bits I loved.
"I really would like to know how you fucked that horse."
"...I made that up. You were there when I did."