Jul 17, 2020, 7:08 AM

I had an interview this week. I wish I had more, but... with TX doing so badly, companies are back to not hiring. I've expanded my search to the Phoenix area since I have a few friends pestering me to move out that way, but it's in a similar spot. Plus, the sort of work I do is gonna be one of the last careers to fully recover.

But! This is the RL things I love thread:

I love video interviews. I can dress comfortably... So long as I do my hair, wear a nice shirt, some jewelry... I'm good! I can just go light on the makeup, wear yoga pants, and that's that. I can have notes on another screen (I use my laptop since it has a webcam built-in) to reference, their company website open, the job description open, etc... But most of all? I don't need to deal with the anxiety of trying to look someone in the eye.

Taking that anxiety away has allowed me to be so much more comfortable in interviews. I've only had a couple in the past six months (for obvious reasons), but I have felt immensely less anxiety in them.