I've had to go into work every day, so I suppose this sensation isn't something I'm able to really comprehend, labeled as an essential worker as I am. But working in a lab surrounded by Covid samples probably hasn't been too great for my mental health or stress.
What I have discovered is how truly alone I feel. Certainly I go into work, converse with my co-workers but something is missing. I go home and there's just...nothing. My cats, my significant other, certainly, but the friends I had before last year? Gone. Taking care of their own matters, their own lives. It's disheartening when you've tried to contact or reach out and told often that 'maybe later, let me call you'. And then you never hear anything. Despite how many times you try, and eventually, you stop trying.
And I've suddenly found that trying to connect with people, despite being around them through this entire over year long affair, there's less of a real connection anymore. People are too fearful of getting connected. Or maybe I am, I'm not sure. Could be it's just become so much harder than it used to be.
But what has hit me hardest is that I don't have any real connections anymore. Not in regards to real life connections. My online ones(the very few that I have)are different. You can only do so much. Mush with the ones that are into it. Or generally talk. But there's that lack of connection. Of being able to go out and do things together. Or just spend time together.
This solitude eventually starts to drain, starts to pull and tug and tear. Every day is exactly the same. You start finding yourself feeling strongly about stupid little things, because it's an excuse to feel something. It's hard to remember last week, because the week before that was exactly like the one that came after it, all blurring together. That's left me...I don't know, angrier. Getting annoyed about some process at work where it occupies more space in your head than it should and all you want to do is tell the Director that it's and stupid and you're making other suffer for it.. Or getting hurt by the fact that someone misconstrued something you said on a game as criticism when it was really just trying sympathize.
Maybe it's trying to put meaning to something, instead of looking down the barrel of one day after the next, repeating itself over and over. You try to occupy those empty spaces with hobbies, in an attempt to create something fulfilling for yourself. And maybe it's fulfilling for yourself, but it would just be nice a some point if it was noticed. Not even for being good, but the fact that you're trying. I daydream about that, thinking it could develop something more solid. Trying and failing to reach out to make some kind of connection and hoping something sticks.
I just feel very alone. And it's disturbing to consider the idea that this might be all I have to look forward to for the foreseeable future. And no amount of pills or talking to my therapist seems to make it better. It worries me.