Jun 7, 2021, 1:22 AM

@tinuviel said in [Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.]

Similarly, we shouldn't be aiming for 'back to normal.' Normal got hundreds of thousands of people killed. We should be aiming for better than normal.

^ This. If there's one thing I think the pandemic demonstrated, it's how many things were just.... fundamentally non-functional in our society and that I don't want to go back to.

So seeing so many different groups from schools to businesses to government agencies bungle it so badly in the hopes of rushing us back to things the way they were before we have the chance to notice or object is infuriating.

Even my own company, whose decisions I laaaaaaaaaaargely approve of (which is a big part of why I work there) is making a return to work plan that, while not dangerous, is inherently stupid. It absolutely takes zero advantage of a model, does nothing to lower our costs, actively exacerbates a few key space issues we've been having for several years now, and is pissing off employees. And the response by management is to shove their fingers in their ears, shout "LALALALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU", and double down.