Jun 18, 2021, 7:12 PM

@chibichibi said in Idling all day on MU*s:

What's the point of even logging in if you're just idle?

I very much held this belief before.

I think this was because I saw myself as valuable to a game. Why? Because when I play a game, I try very hard to get engaged. And when I engage, as others can probably attest to, I engage. So, when I saw people idling, I believed that their presence didn't add any value to the game.

This may be true.

But the better perspective is examining the harm. While I could conceive of reasons as to why idling folks harm a game, none of them held water. Everyone engages at different levels, and expecting people to approach a game as I do was sort of foolish. After all, my level of engagement, reasonably, set me apart from others, and this was fine too.

So, I see otherwise now.