Aside from that, it really shows just why Batman is a character who keeps getting all this creative effort through multiple generations poured into him.
His is a very flexible concept; it can be done in a campy way (Batman and Robin), it can lean on being quirky (Burton's vision), focus on his early days (Batman Returns) or his veteran days (Batfleck), have him be an action hero (Batman Returns) or more of a detective (Battinson).
In the comics they can put him in the JLA and have him fight cosmic menaces or keep him as a street level crusader and tell more intimate stories. They can even lean on his 'family', romantic stories...
Contrasting that with say, Superman, Wonder Woman or Flash shows the limitation. The range is different, shorter.
That said, Marvel is much more willing to take risks with their roster. Thor Ragnarok was much different than Thor: Dark World, for example. Spider-Man: No Way Home was a very solid movie that didn't just follow the beaten path set by its predecessors but actively built on top of that.