Dec 2, 2015, 10:07 PM

I would be cautious. I do not think different genres really tend to convert people. Especially since IME people tend to less run from systems than people--so an influx of the same people trying to get away from each other sometimes works (It did for quite some time on RfK because of the staffing there) but much of the time it does not. Especially if the people are coming into it thinking it will solve all their RP woes. People are people, and when it's the same people, they're even more the people they've always been. IMO.

I enjoy the genre of that game and like variety, so I anticipate having a lot of fun. I worry a wee bit about some of the expectations I've seen, if for no other reason that people have unfortunately been trained into some very VERY bad habits over the last series of WoD games.