Sep 24, 2022, 3:09 AM


"Not that I doubt for a second we would be able to find many ways in which to amuse ourselves, locked in a townhouse together, just the two of us."

Sometimes I'm witness to RP or read through logs, and I gotta be honest sometimes it just reads like some kind of process to determine if TS is on the table. Sure, its under the guise of roleplay, but feels like some sort of token, necessary evil the other player has to suffer because simply paging and asking for TS is considered unattractive. It's not just men who do this, too. I've been the target of scenes where a player felt like they were doing the following:

  • HI, I'm so and so character that's sexy
  • So we gonna TS? Sure, your character is interesting and you're trying to RP stuff but I wanna fuck your PC
  • Seriously we should TS. Why aren't you hitting on my char?
  • You did a bunch of RP chatty things, but seriously, I mean are you looking to TS?
  • Your character isn't interested? ZOMGS electrical storm coming, I gotta pose out. KThxByeeee. Going to ignore you from now on!

All snark aside, I've had moments in RP where I'm getting pages asking what my RL kinks and fetishes are roughly 30 seconds into RP, and any attempt to roleplay something other than hardcore flirtation seemed to be a nuisance to whatever text-based mating call process the other player was up to. Which...really felt oddly negative in a personal way when the person entirely blew off the RP because I didn't put out.

Which, given what I feel is an uncomfortable reality about what TS actually is for some players, I'm not surprised to see people getting ditched because they won't put out.