I'm not going to put up a post that asks people to stop being IC assholes. I believe it is not my place as a Staffer to make people change their characters unless they are directly going against theme.
I have zero tolerance for OOC assholes, manipulators, aggressors, threateners, harassers and any other OOC bullies you can think of.
So, while I'm certainly not going to put up a post asking people to stop being IC assholes, I'll certainly put up a post asking people to let us know when someone is an OOC asshole.
Unless we've already got an OOC problem player on that we have already talked to and warned about their behavior, we do not snoop, set people suspect, or spy on OOC conversations (or IC ones for that matter). If there is OOC conflict happening and we aren't seeing it or it isn't being brought to our attention, we have no idea it is going on. We want/need people to bring these issues to our attention if they are happening, because I can't imagine a Staff who would just be cool with people being OOC jerks to one another.
Here's my deal: I don't feel comfortable as a Staffer to demand that a player change their character's personality for any reason. That's not my job, nor my place. I can't imagine how I would feel if a Staffer paged me and went: So, you're character is really too cheerful, and people really are finding your cheer grating when they RP with you. Could you be less cheerful? (Yes, I used a different emotion on purpose).
I personally would feel awful, and question whether I wanted to stay on the game because Staff felt it was their job to demand I change/tone down my character's motivations/personality (particularly after they approved my character knowing she was particularly cheerful).
The only time I feel that Staff is in the right having that conversation is concerning Features, where personality and character traits should be captured properly. Otherwise, the best Staff can do is offer situations/hooks that might motivate my character to be less cheerful (like, I don't know... watching her best friend die).
But, as I said before that, I have major issues with OOC aggression and antagonism because that's what drives off players/kills a game faster than IC jerks and assholes.