Yes. Do you need that kind of person on your FB, let alone in your life? Alternatively, you can tell him point blank how stupid and offensive that was and to never post that kind of crap on your wall again. I unfriended my brother a while ago. But we've never really been close.
RL Anger
I live in a basement, and yet there are cars and motorcycles that I can hear as they go past. Usually I can only hear the plow go by and that's more vibrations than anything. Either way if I can hear your car your muffler is probably too loud. Either you need it checked, or likely need to stop being cool, because you rev it so much and meant for that to happen.
It's partly my fault, since I didn't back up things as much as I should, but I don't know what's more frustrating; loosing nearly all of my writing and video stuff, or getting everything and putting it on a new computer.
I don't care so much about people who don't like pets. You can't help what you like or not, so if they just leave it at that they are fine in my book.
But the people who'll go out and get a dog then return it to a shelter because it's too much work, or they let it get really bad habits they won't deal with, or just far worse just abandon it somewhere to fend for itself... fuck those people so much.
It's even much worse if they have kids. Nice life lesson you are giving them there, buddy.
That happens here all the time, since I live in a university town. So some guy will buy a puppy for his girlfriend for Christmas, and then they just abandon them when they go home for the summer.
Dear Bitch Co-Worker,
I have a specific spot in my workspace where I have asked people to place the files that are returned to me for processing. This particular surface is distinctly different from my main desk and is marked with a sign saying RETURN POLICIES HERE with a big arrow pointing to the spot. I frequently have multiple piles of policies on my desk, each with a different thing I need to do for them, or need to keep track of their count, and when you just slap down your pile on top of them it is very easy for me to lose track of what I'm doing with that particular pile or how many items are in it.
Why then, after I indicated to you EXACTLY WHERE to put your return policies, the spot that has a HUGE SIGN WITH AN ARROW, do you insist on putting your returns back on my desk stacks? Is it some subtle way of just fucking with my day? Are you just that much of a ditz?
No love,
MePS - I also don't appreciate it when you hand a policy back to me and it's completely pulled apart, paperwork out of order, and I have to waste time putting it back together properly because you couldn't be arsed.
It's fitting that the first day of fall(or was that yesterday? It might've been yesterday)is the day where allergies decide that 'yeah, gonna kick your ass today'. I have been sneezing almost none stop. Zycam, please work faster.
@Monogram It was yesterday, you got a day's reprieve!
@Vorpal But now you can give a cybernetic finger to all who cross you.
Put extenders on all your fingers, you'll adapt to the new length and type away.
Can't help with the drawing.
I have been working 6 days a week since August. It's still a 40 hour work week, but combined with being back in school (thank god it's online classes) full time... It's been wearing me down. I'm not eating right. I'm not sleeping well. When I'm not working, I'm generally just drained and in a poor mood. Hell, the quality of my work is slipping.
It was supposed to end October 10th. In theory.
They want me to continue. Indefinitely.I've let my boss know that I'm not sure I can do it and I'm afraid of the quality of my work worsening. He's going to talk to the client about it, so fingers crossed... but dear good (Deer God!), I need some time off.
I'm not going to go into details. I'll just say it involves 1) computer and unrelated but simultaneously 2) my car. For over 2 weeks now.
When you make a post bitching about stupidity on Facebook and how complete idiocy (say, flat earth stuff) will get you unfriended...
...and then a family member comments with something utterly horrific levels of stupid on said post, and not just stupid but offensive...
And you have to decide.
Is this worth a family brawl? Is it?
Yes. Do you need that kind of person on your FB, let alone in your life? Alternatively, you can tell him point blank how stupid and offensive that was and to never post that kind of crap on your wall again. I unfriended my brother a while ago. But we've never really been close.
I agree with TNP here, but I also have about a half dozen extended family members with friend request pending. I don't want to deal with them but also like the ability to say I have not rejected the request.
And you have to decide.
Is this worth a family brawl? Is it?
Right there with you. Except for is is most of my extended family who has gone totally apeshit Jesus annointed Trump and Well I Thought Obama Was the Antichrist But No Really Hillary Is And They Both Are Going To Institute Sharia Law.
Yes. Do you need that kind of person on your FB, let alone in your life? Alternatively, you can tell him point blank how stupid and offensive that was and to never post that kind of crap on your wall again. I unfriended my brother a while ago. But we've never really been close.
I had to unfriend my brother a few months ago. And I sent screenshots of the messages he was sending me to our parents to go 'I can't deal with this any more. I'm done.' lest they try a 'But you're supposed to love and support your family no matter what!'
Family doesn't always have a place. Even (perhaps especially) on social media. And thankfully, for the most part, general society seems totally cool with this. YMMV with your own family, but in general? Fuckit. Kick 'em if you gotta.
And you have to decide.
Is this worth a family brawl? Is it?
Right there with you. Except for is is most of my extended family who has gone totally apeshit Jesus annointed Trump and Well I Thought Obama Was the Antichrist But No Really Hillary Is And They Both Are Going To Institute Sharia Law.
We need to trade extended family members. I'll trade you two feminist cousins who think Hillary will save Gaia and bring world peace for a couple of your deplorable irredeemable Trumpsters.
Unless you are exceedingly religious, think the Constitution Party are pussies who don't go far enough to maintain our Godly Nation and/or Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones are too mainstream for you, you don't want 'em either. :(. I did have a couple of second cousins (my dad's cousins) that were...well, I guess sort of New England hippies? So they were tinfoil hatters too just not in a destroy the heathens way but a fun I believe in ufos and vibes sort of way. Sadly they have both passed.