Shadowhunters MUSH
Well! I've not made a character yet, so applications to be my lesbian^ aren't yet open.^this is a reference to David Willis' comics. One char calls her girlfriend 'my lesbian.' So, y'know, inb4 someone gets upset at me. Just bein' silly folks.
@Catsmeow That was pretty much how I read it.
@lordbelh said in Shadowhunters MUSH:
@Catsmeow That was pretty much how I read it.
Pretty much my interpretation too. Marvel: 1963 has a similar policy and explanation. It's 1963. Homosexuals are morally corrupt perverts. Colored people and women are inferior. Minorities, as a whole, are inferior. It's still very much a man's world. A white, straight, man's world. Not everyone thinks that way and it's improving but it's there. That being said, keep it IC and understand that when and if it comes up in conversation OOCly, be careful about how they're discussed as they're very sensitive subjects.
Soon. Ps. I have never played one so um, we are just going to be handwaving some 'things'. But soon.
I had a very good experience going through the character generation process. I can recommend it for folks who want to play within a cool theme and setting. Staff is really helpful and communicative as to what they want to see, which is a plus.
Unfortunately, I think the universe's tropes are a little too narrow for me.
So yeah, I think for me it comes down to it not being my cuppa.
I really wanted it to work because I like the idea of this but I can't get down with some of the less PC things they're working with. My comments were intended to evaluate this from a point of inclusion as you may lose players who would otherwise be great contributors to the game but are uncomfortable with issues like this.
Like me.
But I contribute nothing because I'm the worst
I don't think that was the purpose. When you play on a MUSH set in the middle ages, you can't just whip out a cellphone. It's a matter of setting. Remember that the Shadow Hunters are Angelic Half-Breeds. And while it leaves some room for interpretation, the Clave was founded back during the dumber ages of Christianity. And while the clave states they are beyond mundane religion, they still cling to some of the standards.
To me, I compare it the oWoD Werewolves. Gay is ok, just don't forget about your duty to race, breed bitch, breed. So while being gay was ok, if you didn't flaunt it. And that's kind of how I take the shadow hunter view.
It's ok to be gay. Just don't flaunt it, and if you are gay, still make with the babies.
This is pretty disingenuous. There's a wee bit of a difference between 'I want Instagram in the Middle Ages' and 'I want a medieval theme with some of the unnecessary ugly attitudes reworked'. There are angelic half-breeds, so by definition it's not historically accurate / liberties are already being taken.
I guess persecution is important to include? But, if it IS important, why keep insisting that nah, it's not really there, it's totally cool to do whatever you want? That's shooting the theme in the foot before it's even out the gate, isn't it? Which, at least for me, brings it back around to: why include something in pretendy funtimes, that's real-life anti-funtimes for some of the player base, that could be written out?
Again, if this part of the theme is somehow intrinsic to the setting, go on with your bad self. Otherwise, I don't understand this weird 'we need bigots to make this story work but don't worry you'll never actually see them' doublespeak that happens when these theme points are questioned.
Well, most of the people who would be side-eye/disapproving of someone being gay (a hunter being gay, that is) are the Clave / people's parents/older relatives.
So it'd be there. It could come into play depending on how story goes. But it'd mostly be in peoples' backgrounds or potentially pop up with NPCs/story at some point.
Which means in day-to-day, you very well may not see it much / at all because most PC Hunters are more likely to be the younger, less bigoted types.
So I'm building a PC for here. Madeleine Estelle Collins, once a bored socialite who became Sighted and became embroiled in the Shadow World during a failed attempt on her life by a demon. She became knowledgeable and uses her position as an EBM/synthpop/futurepop DJ as a sort of 'information broker' of the supernatural, as 'a DJ booth is a relatively safe place to see a LOT of shit go down'.
I guess the thing that breaks my brain about 'well its there but not really' or 'well some NPCs that you won't interact with will act badly' or 'there will be shade but not actually any directly experienced shade' is that if its there but people are looking for ways to mitigate it like this, then why have it in the theme at all?
And not just this game but any game where there's a repressive social element that is central to theme, this is presented as being a big deal in theme, and then ignored or only sorta lazily goes through the motions of it being around to avoid actual consequences on this theme?
Like, its sorta like games that have huge, dire rivalries between Group A and Group B where there's years old blood feud, murder hungry hatred and when these groups encounter each other in game...
They do fancy dances like the Sharks and the Jets and talk some mess but avoid actual escalation for any and all reasons because PvP isn't actually okay.
I still (personally and only speaking for myself) don't love the bigoted themes but I'm just sorta not getting the 'well its there but really its not' sorta approach in games that have this.
@Auspice said in Shadowhunters MUSH:
OK. That could be a lot of fun. Plus, y'know, younger generation. They could just go and get a home insemination kit. >.>
Personally my problem with "Being gay is bad, so say the Clave, so it's IC" is that The Clave isn't exactly terribly consistent. Sure they are old fashioned and stuffy but without being too spoilery you have one person, who was formerly a Circle member who can't leave and is basically tortured whenever he thinks or talks about the Circle. Then you have another family who are high up on the social ladder, running things. And since people aren't allowed to talk about it, not everyone knows about their past.
Sure it's done for dramatic effect; but if you already have one rule for some, another rule for others, it's pretty hard to stand behind "This one rule for everybody, always." (In my eyes, anyway)
- about a month later
Hey guys, I wanted to kinda bump this here...
I've been playing this place for a few weeks now. It's had a few bumps (what game doesn't?), but by and far it's been good times. Still in beta, warlocks and fae still closed (system balancing), and events haven't begun yet... But for being just sort of casual 'getting to know everyone' RP thus far, it's good stuff. There's some great RPers around.
I'd love to see more people stop in. It's an easy system to app into and the setting itself is easy to learn (plus, the first season of the show streams free on Freeform's website).
- 15 days later
Just as an FYI, staff has permanently closed all Downworlders as player characters. Only Shadowhunters and mundanes are now appable.
I understand how this is easier on staff but honestly, it makes the game a lot less interesting and attractive now.
@TNP said in Shadowhunters MUSH:
Just as an FYI, staff has permanently closed all Downworlders as player characters. Only Shadowhunters and mundanes are now appable.
I understand how this is easier on staff but honestly, it makes the game a lot less interesting and attractive now.
There's been some major stuff RL Staff-side and I think it was this or close the game... Which no one wants. They had to narrow the focus.
The other issue is I know they were always open about the fact that the metaplot would be largely focused on the Shadowhunters. And that while they'd provide some things for downworlders, they couldn't guarantee a lot. This warning was issued, AFAIK, to everyone who made a downworlder PC as their primary character. I was even asked to impress it upon a couple friends who were making non-SH characters.
So it wasn't 'You get nothing.' It was 'Just so you know, we'll run things, we'll try to provide some plot, but the focus is on the Shadowhunter sphere.' Which, hey, good job being honest up front.
Unfortunately, a fair number of people, despite claiming they understood... began bitching to each other, to Staff, on channels, etc., about the lack of plot for their sphere (mind you, game is in beta, and this past week was the first scene tying to metaplot). I know it was stressing Uriel out. So... spheres closed.
It makes me sad, but I get it. I'm going to keep playing my Werewolf PC and once PRPs are open (I know they're still hammering out kinks in code), I'll run stuff for other wolves.
Kinda sucks for those people, but I get the decision. Plus, TBH, is there even really enough 'here's what werewolves, vampires and warlocks' do in the books? I'm on book 4 and very little has been provided of what they do on the day to day, except when they're shoulders-deep in Shadowhunter business. -
@Bobotron said in Shadowhunters MUSH:
Kinda sucks for those people, but I get the decision. Plus, TBH, is there even really enough 'here's what werewolves, vampires and warlocks' do in the books? I'm on book 4 and very little has been provided of what they do on the day to day, except when they're shoulders-deep in Shadowhunter business.Pretty much. You'd have to be willing to go off-book / off-show. In the books/show, the downworlders only really get involved because of Clary anyway (Luke and Simon).
Warlocks are probably the easiest to tie in, since Shadowhunters often hire their services.