Two plates each side?
RL things I love
Maybe she loves yelling at people with different political views on the internet which would make her post appropriate for this thread.
I know the hypocrisy of a self-proclaimed "tolerant" liberal flipping their shit because people dare have beliefs they don't share always makes me snerk a little.
@Goyim said in RL things I love:
I know the hypocrisy of a self-proclaimed "tolerant" liberal flipping their shit because people dare have beliefs they don't share always makes me snerk a little.
Little challenge for you, 4chan refugee: find the part where I self-identify as a liberal.
(Hint: this is not possible.)
BEEP BEEP BEEP uh oh buddo looks like you have been founded by President Donald Trump's Dirty Liberal Finder
a new gadget that lets him find dirty liberals on the internet 24/7 as of right President Donald Trump himself is preparing to analy fist you with his Fisto 3000
a power glove that gives him the ability to fist at 3000 rounds per second
President Donald Trump's Dirty Liberal Finder
has a 0% margin of error you're fired kiddo
@Goyim said in RL things I love:
BEEP BEEP BEEP uh oh buddo looks like you have been founded by President Donald Trump's Dirty Liberal Finder
a new gadget that lets him find dirty liberals on the internet 24/7 as of right President Donald Trump himself is preparing to analy fist you with his Fisto 3000
a power glove that gives him the ability to fist at 3000 rounds per second
President Donald Trump's Dirty Liberal Finder
has a 0% margin of error you're fired kiddo
Every time you post, you make less sense.
@Coin I seriously miss the ignore feature.
To get this thread back on topic and save it from the shitposters that keep derailing it:
The TTIP just got btfo and this makes me happy.
Can we maybe go back to keeping politics in the politics section, maybe? Because really, we have one for that purpose.
@surreality said in RL things I love:
Can we maybe go back to keeping politics in the politics section, maybe? Because really, we have one for that purpose.
A hundred times this.
Two-plate deadlifts for reps.
Now, that doesn't mean they won't still kill me at some point in the (near) future. Or that @Ganymede won't go "I TOLD YOU SO".
It does mean before I died I pulled two-plates for reps from the floor.
Two plates each side?
@Ganymede said in RL things I love:
Two plates each side?
Yeah, that's the standard way to count them.
While it's still in a limited fashion, I love that the work I do is something I can actually do while in recovery, rather than having to take a month off that I definitely can't afford. Very grateful for this particular perk of working from home.
@Catsmeow I will applaud, because that's better than I can do! I have less than zero upper body strength.
@Catsmeow said in RL things I love:
Oh yeah? Well.. I can lift the bar up without plates. Yeah. See? You may all be in awe of me.
You're joking but picking up just the bar from the floor involves a much greater range of motion and requires more hip, hamstring and glute flexibility than I can safely afford.
The 45 plates set the bar at 8.5″/21cm up.
Conversely that's some why gyms carry those 10 lb fake-plates to elevate it for beginners and rehab.
-Arkandel, provider of unsolicited facts.
I actually use the bar on the machine because I rarely have a spotter. So I have never tried to pick one up off the ground. Now I want to though.
Actually, my friend turned me on to something called "Jefferson curls." You grab an unweighted bar, step up on a short platform, and then "curl" by doing Romanian deadlifts slowly, with at least 5 seconds per rep.
It's good for strengthening up your lower and mid-back muscles. Good for people with back problems that deadlift a lot, ARKANDEL.
@Ganymede said in RL things I love:
Actually, my friend turned me on to something called "Jefferson curls." You grab an unweighted bar, step up on a short platform, and then "curl" by doing Romanian deadlifts slowly, with at least 5 seconds per rep.
It's good for strengthening up your lower and mid-back muscles. Good for people with back problems that deadlift a lot, ARKANDEL.
So like a deficit romanian deadlift? Interesting... I might try that as a warmup. It's awesome to find little new things like that, isn't it?
I think what turned things around for me (so far... herniated discs don't simply go away, so it's always going to be a vulnerable area) was tuning in my sumo deadlifts so I can use proper hip drive. Once my body realized it's not supposed to pull up with the back but push forward with the glutes/hamstrings and down through the floor with the heels, and that the core's only real job is to keep the torso at a steady angle, everything else fell in place.
Accessory work helps... planks, dead bugs and barbell glute raises are great, even if they take a hell of a toll out of the nervous system for the next day or two. It almost feels like I have a cold, every time. Oh, and stretching. I think that was the biggest change overall, I had completely underestimated what a huge effect shitty flexibility had on me, and what difference it makes when that starts turning around.
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
So like a deficit romanian deadlift?
Pretty much, except that the goal isn't weight; it's flexibility. By making those muscles stronger, you actually increase their flexibility. I'm not a doctor, so I don't know the science behind it; however, it works with the plyometric and yoga principles of active use and stretching to create strength.
@Ganymede said in RL things I love:
I'm not a doctor, so I don't know the science behind it; however, it works with the plyometric and yoga principles of active use and stretching to create strength.
A trainer told me he thought the yoga advocates were injuring themselves because they extend their range of motion but fail to maintain strength through that range, and powerlifters were injuring themselves because they increase their strength but fail to maintain excellent form due to an insufficient range of motion.
It's almost as if we're supposed to have some sort of balance in our bodies. Someone should look into that!