Feb 10, 2017, 9:06 AM

Does anyone else ever reach this point of... having something you should see a doctor about and avoiding it because you just feel so done?

My cubital is flaring up bad in my right arm. Prob because of how hardcore I've been knitting and crocheting over the past 4-5 months. But it's at a point where the tendon in my hand is so tight that... if I don't tape my pinky to my ring finger, it ends up 'stuck' extended out and hurts too much to use the hand. >.>

I've been making do by massaging the trigger points, icing, using a TENS, and I found exercises for it. I'm sure a doctor would probably just put me in a PT program, so I keep hoping I'll see progress from it on my own. But then I have days where my hand will start spazzing out (whole hand shaking, dropping things because my grip fails).

But I had so much medical-wise last year that I just don't want to go into more just yet.