Could this be a CSS override issue? Do you have a custom CSS enforced on pages somehow? Not that I've looked at the wiki to diagnose, and nor am I a web designer/developer.
Eldritch - A World of Darkness MUX
Could this be a CSS override issue? Do you have a custom CSS enforced on pages somehow? Not that I've looked at the wiki to diagnose, and nor am I a web designer/developer.
I think so. We certainly use something that makes people see our font of choice whether they have it installed on their computer or not. But I'm not remotely code-savvy enough to know if it's CSS or not. -
It is CSS @font-face. I don't have great details about support, but here is one place to start:
Nope, I have no custom anything CSS on my Chrome browser. -
Try this specimen sheet:
Lots and lots of missing letters. -
@Bobotron said:
Lots and lots of missing letters.What browser / os ?
At some point it's fairly reasonable for games to just politely say "lol tough shit sucka."
Missing letters is usually going to mean bad hardware and/or some really strange network filtering. If you can't fix it, just disable CSS support in your browser. MediaWiki is still readable that way.
Chrome, most recent version. Windows 7 64bit. Hardware acceleration is off.
And I'm not over-worried about it; I can still read everything (it's mostly headers as an issue), and Eldritch's wiki is the only place I have this issue. -
@Thenomain said:
Try this specimen sheet:
Missing letter drama aside... Theno, that is one ugly-ass font. is much much much nicer, and has clear historical relevance.
Character Pitch: Effie White from "Dreamgirls" as a Daeva, including using "One Night Only" as a themesong.
@Chime said:
Missing letter drama aside... Theno, that is one ugly-ass font.
This is a little of the point. As a header-only font, it's meant to be attention-getting and, yeah, a hint of unnerving. I do like IM Fell English, but part of what makes Berylium so nice is that it isn't a historical font.
Like Fell English, it is also a free download. Install and see if that helps, @Bobotron?
No lurve. Like I said, not the end of the world for me. -
So I'm really jonesing for an urban fantasy game and looking at Eldritch. I haven't done WoD in ages so am really out of the loop about the new developments. I got my hands on the God Machine book and both the vampire and werewolf 2nd editions and what do I see? Like FATE, character creation requires knowing things I usually don't know till I've played him for a while. I hate this new trend!
Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of having to know all the ins and outs of the character's mind before I've played him. Some of the template specific ones are really irritating if you're making a brand new member of whatever, too.
Allow an Intro Respec a few days weeks or months after playing?
@HelloRaptor said:
Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of having to know all the ins and outs of the character's mind before I've played him. Some of the template specific ones are really irritating if you're making a brand new member of whatever, too.
Neither am I. As a new player to the game, you might miss a perfect niche event that your character could have fit into, or conversely, would have been devastated by, or some other key change. It is a bit heavy to assume that you, a new player, know everything.
Also, I think it paints people into a corner. Character Generation should be just that, a shell that you grow into and expand. You have hopes and dreams for the persona, but won't be strung up if you can't make them happen. Hell, I've played with the idea of letting someone 'tweak' CharGen point allotments based on their first month of play. Sometimes you find out that the Merit/Flaw that you took is on everyone, and now it's just a sap of points that has a sour taste.
@Rook Not saying this is necessarily an answer to that particular problem, but since Eldritch specifically allows for people to play mortals even now, before the supers' spheres open, why not start someone to see if you can get a handle on them then have an IC Becoming for whatever they are meant to be?
It's effortless in case of a Cover; you'd simply take over with your Demon. Or they could have an Embrace or First Change, boom, done. Then again if in a few weeks, before that happens, you decide a different direction than you initially thought works best... just change it. So if he ends up looking more like a Carthian than Ordo Dracul, there's nothing to stop you, you know?
That's not a fix for a couple of reasons. First, there's a huge difference between playing a super who's newly turned and one who's been one for years, decades or centuries. If you're looking to play the latter, the former isn't even close to being a substitute.
But the bigger problem is that the requirements for a mortal are the same as those for a super. The clan and covenant are probably the easiest things to know in advance if you're apping a vampire. But aspirations are required for every PC. The short term goals might not be too bad but a long term one? No. I don't know who the person is that well before I start playing him. There are some other things as well.
I'm not Zeus and my PCs don't spring fully formed from my head. I create the framework of a character that I think would be interesting, the bare bones, and then see if he comes to life and supplies the details. as I play him. I know some people do work that way. Some don't.
The opportunity to respec the smaller details within the first month if needed would be great.
@TNP Yeah, but, with a little imagination and guess work the long term aspiration can be rather easy to come by.
Are you playing a vampire? Oh, perhaps your long term aspiration is "To gain status within the city/covenant/or Clan".
Demon? "Secure an additional cover for <insert stuff here>" or "Join one of those demon group things and start raking in the cash or whatever"
Its pretty simple if you don't sweat it so much. I'm much like what people have been saying here, I like to grow into a PC but the starting aspirations seem the easiest thing to get past.
The respec rule on Eldritch was pointed out to me so yay.