What do you play most?
I'm just curious what people play most here. Not what they want to play, not what they like playing most, what they are playing and have played the most.
In reading other topics, I think it becomes pretty clear that people have significantly different experiences based on where (and often what theme) they play most, so I was curious about how things shook out.
To be entirely honest here I have been playing the most what most people have been playing the most.
WoD for me was a derived preference. I like well populated, active games, and those have historically been the ones to match the description.
I have a preference for sci-fi and historical games. I've played Battlestar and original themed games the most out of anything on that list, I guess, but feel like that's more what's out there than what I'm necessarily looking for. And Star Wars, though I generally have issues with the 'grid includes a thousand planets and is split into dark and light side factions' that Star Wars games seem to favor (there are a couple out there right now not doing this that I'm interested in).
I do Lords and Ladies on occasion (trying Arx now). I genre-hop a lot, I think, though I have no interest in WoD, which is the 200 lb. MU* gorilla.
While it is not necessarily my preference WoD is by far what i have played the most on MU*s and likely will continue to be so, mainly for the reasons of familiarity and most importantly the poison pills in WoD are the ones I can handle swallowing the best.
All genres have their own little things that tend to be everywhere in that genre and are distasteful so I think a lot of selecting a genre end up being which flavor of crap is least revolting. -
I play a little of everything. WoD in particular tends to go in phases for me.
I don't have super strong genre preferences. I do like fantasy more than sci-fi, I think, but mostly I'm just interested in games that seem cool? With cool people? I picked superheroes on the poll because I've probably spent the most time on Marvel games, but not by much.
@ThatGuyThere said in What do you play most?:
While it is not necessarily my preference WoD is by far what i have played the most on MU*s and likely will continue to be so, mainly for the reasons of familiarity and most importantly the poison pills in WoD are the ones I can handle swallowing the best.
All genres have their own little things that tend to be everywhere in that genre and are distasteful so I think a lot of selecting a genre end up being which flavor of crap is least revolting.This is pretty much where it lies for me. WoD isn't my favorite, but it's where I know I can enjoy myself and how to ward myself from most of the drama.
World of Darkness but I've also played a lot of superhero/comics games, Star Wars and BSG. Those are my top four favorites, I think, in no particular order.
At the moment... WoD, but only because I have a whopping one character I can be dredged out of the mothballs once in the bluest of moons to play simply because I
her... and she's been played all of twice, total.
Over all, and hence the vote: original theme. I've spent more time and put in more RP hours on games like Nightscape, Shangrila, Ghostwheel, Castle D'Image, Cybersphere, and similar places by a huge margin than I have on WoD games. While old games are old, I put in a lot more hours on them than I can be bothered to invest in a WoD game.
In terms of practical hours in the hobby, most of my time these days is spent staffing/developing stuff for games when I'm not rambling about stuff here, and there, too, 95% or more of that time is dedicated to an original theme/system game, with the remaining 5% giving wiki advice or helping pitch in with that for folks if they ask.
It was a tossup between Sci fi, original theme and LnL games. I just picked LnL because often enough it's both original theme and LnL game.
I really dislike world of darkness, but that's what I've played the most of, unfortunately.
Are Domain games separate enough from L&L to be their own genre?
Meaning a game feature focused on building a regional power base as part of a larger grouping of regions, without a focus on marriages, balls, romance etc?
What I play most now: World of Darkness.
What I have played most, lifetime: Amber, and it's not close. Like, I have spent the past five years or so playing mostly World of Darkness. Before that I spent like a decade and a half playing almost entirely Amber.
There's no Pern on the poll. I spent a lot of time on Pern. I've played superheroes and like it, too. I do prefer fantasy over sci-fi; I hardly ever stick on a game that's set in the future or space.
Just trying my first WoD game now.
@Arkandel said in What do you play most?:
To be entirely honest here I have been playing the most what most people have been playing the most.
WoD for me was a derived preference. I like well populated, active games, and those have historically been the ones to match the description.
I'm an off peak player so I kind of need to gravitate towards games that are well populated just out of necessity, as they tend to be the ones that are more likely to have people around in my time zone. So the code base used isn't usually one selected out of preference.
In saying that, I tend to prefer fantasy, historical, or modern fantasy previously. Though I'd love to play a good sci fi, or post apoc.
No genre preference, even when I look back through my gaming history. But what I've always been looking for in recent memory is a good superhero game.
@Gilette said in What do you play most?:
No genre preference, even when I look back through my gaming history. But what I've always been looking for in recent memory is a good superhero game.
I'm convinced those don't exist.
Now and then I'm tempted, but then I realize they're a multi-universe abomination where everyone ever is playable at the same time and none of it makes any sense.
Then again looking for sense in comics was always a fool's errand, I suppose.
That one's easy to answer: Lords & Ladies.
I've tried sci-fi a few times and even WoD once. Just not my cup of tea.
@Clarity said in What do you play most?:
@Arkandel said in What do you play most?:
To be entirely honest here I have been playing the most what most people have been playing the most.
WoD for me was a derived preference. I like well populated, active games, and those have historically been the ones to match the description.
I'm an off peak player so I kind of need to gravitate towards games that are well populated just out of necessity, as they tend to be the ones that are more likely to have people around in my time zone. So the code base used isn't usually one selected out of preference.
In saying that, I tend to prefer fantasy, historical, or modern fantasy previously. Though I'd love to play a good sci fi, or post apoc.
I feel your pain.
As another off-peak player who just loathes WoD, there's basically nowhere to play.
I play less on genre and more about the culture. If players are awesome and not OOC dicks, then I can convert to any theme. If people include others, I will play there. So really it's more on a committee that has some of the same writing styles that I do. In the end, I'm just looking for cool people to tell a story with. That is more important to me than genre.