My new kitten has zero fucks to give. Seriously, he ran out or he never had any, I don't know; he just knows no fear. He's sweet and likes other animals, but he doesn't fear anything.
So my two dogs like him (although he's a bit much and they're tired of his shit by now so they kind of avoid him mostly) but my older cat hates his goddamn guts, and beats him up every time he's near... and he just doesn't care. He just goes to her, again and again, like it's a fucking game they're having a blast playing ("she really loves me! Ow. She really does! ow").
So I'm pretty sure if that moron ever does manage to sneak outside - he's meant to be an indoors-only cat but he doesn't like that, and all it takes is one momentary lapse to break out - and meets a predator he's gonna go right up to it. Meh.