@Ataru said in RL Anger:
I wanted to throat punch him.
(snipped just because that core sentiment is so where I am right now with someone)
I empathize with this so much right now, there are simply no words. I sincerely wish I had them to offer.
The short form: over the course of my life, I've had someone attempt to strangle me. I've been raped twice, once violently. I've been stalked -- not online -- for several years by the person responsible for #1 and the violent take on #2.
I've been stalked online, too, but that is a much different animal; the physical threat level distinction is a big one. Emotional pain is pain. It's no less pain than physical pain. Threats of humiliation and exposure are very real and they are frightening and they are rightly impactful.
For someone without a comparison to make between that and the physical threat of, say, someone who has tried to actually kill you driving past your house every day for over a decade and calling to berate you for days and banging on your door whenever there's a new car in the driveway? It's different. It's all pain and it's all fear but it is a very different fucking fear when you know for damned certain that an irrational motherfucker is standing on the other side of and inch and a half of cheap wood door and hammering at it with his fists while he screams obscenities at you, threatening harm he's already tried once before that nearly killed you.
(And believe it or not, that isn't the shit far too personal and ugly to post here.)
Recently, someone I care about decided to pull the rough equivalent of what you're describing. It wasn't even accurate, but the hyperbole factor was over the top and the comparisons being made were... well, no, they just didn't track on any fucking level.
And he would not let this comparison go. Not for months. Not when asked to stop doing it, because it was bringing some incredibly ugly and uncomfortable shit to mind. Not when it was clearly explained why the logic didn't track. Not when told it was, actually, kicking my PTSD into high gear with full on flashbacks and nightmares, for over three months, until I had to actually draw a hard line and say if it continued I would not be speaking with them again. (For all that useless, brain-dead, soulless fuckheads like Tempest try to mock me for shit like this, thinking it's fucking cute or clever to do, it was the second time in 20 years something like this has ever occurred, and none of it had anything to do with something going on in any RP scene.)
He could not grasp why this comparison was not just inaccurate, but actively damaging, and not even conveying the point he was trying to convey in any effective way.
Scale is a thing, and it's fucking relevant. The dirty look or nasty comment someone slings around on facebook or in the hallway is, yes, still hositility/a threat/a cause of suffering, but holy fuck am I tired of people acting like it's on par with a violent, physical assault in terms of trauma.