The fact that you can't post on female-oriented subreddits without drawing creepers, and the fact that Reddit admins aren't doing anything about the creepers.
RL Anger
@Auspice I usually don't like disappointing people I enjoy talking to. That's why I keep turning you down.
The fact that you can't post on female-oriented subreddits without drawing creepers, and the fact that Reddit admins aren't doing anything about the creepers.
The OneLogin hack caused my job to demand we update all our passwords.
I did.One of my Project Managers contacts me today.
'I can't access your credentials for <tool>. I'm supposed to have them on file. I need you to change your password to something generic for me.'...this comes from over her head, apparently.
...Mind, I woke up really sick, so maybe this is just a fever dream.
...maybe... hopefully...
Not only do 3D movies give me migraines, they have the audacity to /not even be in 3D/ for me. Since I have no depth perception because my brain learned to process information while ignoring basically everything coming in from my right eye.
I have the same issue with my left. Though I consider it a plus since the 3D theatres are always more expensive.
Sometimes there are moments when I'm full of righteous anger, and then I remove someone from Facebook.
To be honest, there's a ton of people I need to remove from Facebook, but it would complicate my life to do so.
I'm instead going to become increasingly busy and eventually I'll move to either Portugal, Japan, or Seattle, and then have an excuse to never talk to anyone again.
But hey, I've worked my way up from hating life to having a general tolerance for life, so, that's something.
It's nice to have the anonymity of a message board in which I use a name that I use no where else. Then I can mention how I hate all these fucking racially ignorant pieces of shit I constantly deal with but then I have to be nice and can't mention it or else people get fucking #triggered and need a safe space away from the goddamned reality that maybe they're the fucking problem with this country as much as any goddamned backwards redneck.
At least a goddamned Neo Nazi or clan member has some freaking self-awareness. I'd sooner make friends with a fucking clan member than half the motherfuckers who grew up in this city. At least when a clan member says the N word or some fucked up race shit, I can call them a racist motherfucker and they'll just laugh because they know it's true, then they'll probably buy me a goddamned beer because I'm "one of the good ones".
Like Jesus fucking Christ I literally fantasize about how much of a breath of fresh air it would be to be friends with an actual white supremacist than these ignorant motherfuckers in this city who lack any and all self-awareness about how fucked up they are.
The ironic thing is that the person who pissed me off was European, but my daily consistent being pissed off at this city is just too goddamned much. I wanna move to West Philly where everyone's either gay or from out of town, the only two goddamned human traits that seem to make this city livable, other than knowing what a proper cheesesteak is. And some people can't even do that right, putting fucking cheese wiz on a cheesesteak. Goddamn motherfuckers.
Look, tourists can do whatever the fuck they want. If you wanna go to Pat's and Geno's and have them ruin a fucking cheesesteak by putting cheese wiz on it, you do you, that's the tourist experience or whatever. If you want a real cheesesteak, go to Ishkabibble II and get either American or provolone, but do not put cheese wiz on a fucking cheesesteak. I don't care what some "native" says.
Jesus fucking Christ I am angry I need to go calm down. I have repressed far too much black rage. I need to post some Boondocks shit.
tl;dr: This girl on Facebook had some shit to say and I was like:
Double post because an entirely different person on Facebook just literally explained in like a 50 post spammy rant that if black people laugh at white people getting a receipt in an Indian restaurant that said "white ppl" (because they ordered very mild curry), then of course they get murdered and shouldn't have any support, and deserve to die, etc.
Facebook sure is trash.
As someone who has lived in the Seattle area now for nearly 20 years but who is from the south (Louisiana, West Virginia, and Florida to be exact)...please understand that the Pacific Northwest is very very white supremacist by culture except for a few (and not as much as you'd think) urban pockets. There is a candidate running for my school board who loves to splash the "confederate flag" all over his Facebook, says that BLM is a black jihad against cops, and is extremely trans and homophobic. On a regular basis over the last six months we have had people stabbed, shot, and beaten up for being brown in the presence of "America first!" people.
I have seldom heard the kind of offhand casual bigotry (especially for Native Americans and Latino folks) elsewhere. This is one of the most segregated areas I've ever lived in, which I guess is somewhat understandable since our area retained sundown laws long after they were starting to be legally struck down elsewhere, etc. and has also a long history of legalized housing discrimination and other issues that persisted while attention was directed at other areas of the country, and also suffers from snobby "we can't be racist if we don't have the klan!" thinking.
Seattle is not a racism and homophobia bigotry free zone. Especially in the burbs. And given how the whole puget sound is gentrifying I predict a worsening.
That being said, Seattle is awesome. In geography, the arts, climate, and the people (for the most part). I have lived all over the world and the US and this is the place I will call home for the rest of my life by choice. But we have some very scary and real problems here, under a veneer of assumed progressivism.
Sorry for the rant. Currently I am am activist and primary volunteer with our refugee community and with making our suburban schools safer for LGBT students and students who aren't white. It's an easy sell on the surface but sometimes the huge difficulty in affecting real change is very daunting and wearying. So I guess this is my RL anger at present.
@mietze Yeah, that's understandable. People are always telling me to move to Seattle, but I guess they mean a specific part.
To be honest, I've lived in Philadelphia for virtually all my life, except for brief stints in neighboring places very early on. I literally cannot comprehend what it's like to live somewhere that isn't segregated. I only recently learned that isn't the norm.
Whenever people talked about segregation being over, I was always kind of genuinely confused, because school or history shows would describe exactly the way my city already is, and then they'd go "It's not like that anymore". Literally wasn't until about two years ago that I learned this was abnormal. I didn't realize that it was segregation because people kept saying it was over even though it seems no different from how things are now.
Like, schools for example, I thought a school without segregation basically meant you had like a few white kids in a black school, or a few black kids in a white school. Ditto with neighborhoods and such. And I've only recently experienced being in a super racially diverse group of people socializing. Like, literally, there was a Latino, a Dominican, a black girl, me, a black guy, some foreign dude, and a few assorted white people.
Shit blew my goddamned mind. That's stuff you see on television.
This was like four days ago.
Ugh. Some fuckhead has thrown themselves in front of a train on a city-to-city mainline, disrupting the travel plans for literally thousands of people. It's absolutely infuriating and saddening at the same time!
@mietze I meet so many people who either moved to Seattle back when it got cool to move to Seattle (20ish years ago), moved more recently, are thinking of moving, etc etc etc.
I will tell you a private little secret from a native Seattlite who has been away from it long enough that I don't give a shit that I'm sharing the secret anymore.
Native Seattlites (I'm talking about the people who are multi-generational ... and I mean like really really native Seattlites ... pre-1980s before there was even a whiff of coolness to the city) will always detest anyone and everyone else who comes to their city. They probably won't show it overtly because it is an obsessively polite culture (you can sometimes spot native Seattlites by their almost off-putting politeness), but believe me its there. The sense that the Emerald City is or was their paradise (and it was) before the rabble started coming because 'hey, Seattle is so cool'. For them, prices went up, development spread across what was pristine land, gang violence actually became a thing rather than some fantasy that happened elsewhere (well, minus the Yokuza or Russian mafia, but they they politely did their thing in their little enclaves). None of it was good. Sure, they'll talk about how wonderful the big Seattle boom is ... publically ... but seriously, they resent every single person who moved to their city post about 1990. Its not a racial thing or a class thing or any of the other identity things. Its just a matter of watching their city be one thing and then become another (granted their view of Seattle before all of this is with rose-tinted glasses, but reality isn't important when it comes to perception).
There's a reason why for a long time there was a posterboard on the I-5 heading into Seattle that had a picture of a blonde-bikini clad woman that read, "Californians go home, we don't want you."
Whenever I've had friends talk about moving to Seattle, I have always warned them ... make sure you know someone. Have some connection to someone before you go. Because native Seattlites are very closed community. They'll be polite, but they won't open their circles to you. Now this has probably changed now that the non-natives outnumber the natives. I haven't been back to my native city in some time and as much as I love the climate, I came to loathe the place.
I'll paraphrase a comment my mom once made about her native California, "Its the most beautiful piece of land on God's green Earth, unfortunately the Seattlites live there."
The Seattle freeze is a thing. Such a thing.
@HelloProject said in RL Anger:
I wanna move to West Philly where everyone's either gay or from out of town
I have it on good authority that if you hang around one of the no doubt many playgrounds, shooting some b-ball, that a couple guys who are up to no good will come initiate a confrontation with you.
You'll end up in Bel-Air after that, which will get you out of Philly.
Good luck!
The flu sucks.
That is all.
I'll paraphrase a comment my mom once made about her native California, "Its the most beautiful piece of land on God's green Earth, unfortunately the Seattlites live there."
Man. Lived in the valley for a couple of years, and this is EXACTLY how I feel about southern California. Goddamn gorgeous place, it would be the perfect place to live if it wasn't full of Californians.
@Kanye-Qwest I remember showing my parents the Big Lebowski and first my mom said to my dad, "Its your brothers ..." and then he said, "Its like watching a documentary about southern California."
@Ataru So what you're saying is that Seattle is how I feel about all these goddamned gentrifying hipsters who are ruining my city and acting like they're entitled to push us out because they have money.