Jun 8, 2017, 11:05 AM

@mietze I meet so many people who either moved to Seattle back when it got cool to move to Seattle (20ish years ago), moved more recently, are thinking of moving, etc etc etc.

I will tell you a private little secret from a native Seattlite who has been away from it long enough that I don't give a shit that I'm sharing the secret anymore.

Native Seattlites (I'm talking about the people who are multi-generational ... and I mean like really really native Seattlites ... pre-1980s before there was even a whiff of coolness to the city) will always detest anyone and everyone else who comes to their city. They probably won't show it overtly because it is an obsessively polite culture (you can sometimes spot native Seattlites by their almost off-putting politeness), but believe me its there. The sense that the Emerald City is or was their paradise (and it was) before the rabble started coming because 'hey, Seattle is so cool'. For them, prices went up, development spread across what was pristine land, gang violence actually became a thing rather than some fantasy that happened elsewhere (well, minus the Yokuza or Russian mafia, but they they politely did their thing in their little enclaves). None of it was good. Sure, they'll talk about how wonderful the big Seattle boom is ... publically ... but seriously, they resent every single person who moved to their city post about 1990. Its not a racial thing or a class thing or any of the other identity things. Its just a matter of watching their city be one thing and then become another (granted their view of Seattle before all of this is with rose-tinted glasses, but reality isn't important when it comes to perception).

There's a reason why for a long time there was a posterboard on the I-5 heading into Seattle that had a picture of a blonde-bikini clad woman that read, "Californians go home, we don't want you."

Whenever I've had friends talk about moving to Seattle, I have always warned them ... make sure you know someone. Have some connection to someone before you go. Because native Seattlites are very closed community. They'll be polite, but they won't open their circles to you. Now this has probably changed now that the non-natives outnumber the natives. I haven't been back to my native city in some time and as much as I love the climate, I came to loathe the place.

I'll paraphrase a comment my mom once made about her native California, "Its the most beautiful piece of land on God's green Earth, unfortunately the Seattlites live there."